Companies Catalog

in: All Greece
Greek Guide Dogs - Kallithea Attica - Dogs Assisting People with Disabilities
The body "Hellenic Center for Training and Development of Guide Dogs and Mobility for the Blind and Assistant Dogs for People with Disabilities - "GREEK GUIDE DOGS" was founded on July 25, 2008. The main goal of the Center "Dogs Guides of Greece" is: a) to manage and meet the need of people with visual disabilities to use for their safest mobility DOG GUIDE. b) Parallel goal: People with Disabilities to meet the need for their movement and service by using Help Dogs. The service of providing a Guide Dog to a Person with Visual Disability is a valuable provision, which is believed to be developed in the coming years in order to meet the growing needs nationwide. It is important that in this effort participate the above Bodies with many years of experience in the problems of people with disabilities. Together they join forces to implement this new pioneering idea for Greek data with the Sponsors of PETLINE S.A. (EUCANUBA Foods, ROGZ Accessories and KONG Toys) and BAYER HELLAS S.A .. Without the valuable support of the MacHIll Celebrity Breeder and the substantial help of Ms. Margarite Weber, the Center could not have had its upward trajectory.Category: ANIMALS
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Poodle Dog Breeding Poodle Megara Attiki - Maltese Dog Breeding Megara Attica
We welcome you to a model dog breeding center for caniche poodle and maltese in Megara, Attica, led by Gaspari Athena - Panagiota. With great experience in the poodle and Maltese breeds, we undertake with care and responsibility the breeding of dogs based on the positive development of each breed and taking into account all their peculiarities. Our goal is the breeding of healthy puppies and their legal adoption by people who will love and care for them to the fullest, taking into account our advice on their proper development and upbringing. Contact us. We are at your disposal for any information.Category: ANIMALS
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