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  • Endocrinologist Chalandri Athens - GARIDOU ANNA - Diabetologist Chalandri Athens - Hygienist Chalandri Athens

    Dr. Anna Garidou is a graduate of the School of Medicine of the University of Athens, the School of Pharmacy of the University of Thessaloniki and the School of Hygiene of Athens. He is also an excellent Doctor of the School of Medicine of the University of Athens. She acquired the specialty of Endocrinologist in 1997, which she has been practicing ever since in the context of her private practice in Chalandri, Attica, but also in collaboration with large private clinics in Athens, such as "Medical Athens" and "Hygeia". She has repeatedly participated in informative scientific events as well as in television shows, where she has presented the current scientific opinions on issues related to her specialty. At the research level, in addition to her PhD thesis, she has contributed to the preparation of 24 scientific papers, of which 5 are published in scientific journals and 19 were presented at 26 scientific conferences. He is a member of the following scientific societies: Hellenic Endocrinological Society (E.E.E), Hellenic Diabetes Society, Hellenic Obesity Society, Hellenic Society for the Study of Bone Metabolism (EEMMO), European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Endocrine Society (The .P.A.).


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    1 FILIPPOY LITSA - Chalandri
  • Endocrinologist Cholargos Attica - KOULI CHRYSAFI - Diabetologist Cholargos Attica - Thyroid Diseases Cholargos Attica - Diabetes Cholargos Attica - Menstrual Disorders Cholargos Attica

    I graduated from the Medical School of the University of Athens in 1989. After 2 years of specialization in Pathology at the hospital P.G.N.N.TH.A. "I SOTIRIA", I followed a 4-year specialization in Endocrinology at the First Pathological Clinic of the University of Athens at P.G.N.A. "Laiko" and obtaining a degree in Endocrinology in 1998. During my specialization in Endocrinology I participated in the following activities: 1) regular monitoring of patients with various problems endocrine disorders, disorders of calcium metabolism and osteoporosis, obesity, type 1, 2 diabetes mellitus and patients with moderate to moderate Diabetes clinic, 2) regular monitoring of women with cycle disorders and menopausal women in the outpatient clinic of endocrinology gynecology, 3) fine needle thyroid node biopsies, 4) training in the measurement of hormones by radioimmunoassay (IR) Laikou »Hospital, 5) educational courses (presentation of cases, bibliographic information, participation in the education of students), 6) endocrinological examination in patients of hospitals in the region. I also took an active part in the research by preparing and presenting scientific papers in Greek (No. 19) and international conferences (No. 18), one of which was awarded at the 25th Panhellenic Conference on Endocrinology and Metabolism. Finally, I participated as a speaker in conferences of Applied Aesthetics, the Ophthalmological Society and postgraduate seminars in Endocrinology in Cyprus. I am a member of the Hellenic Society of Endocrinology and the Hellenic Society of Obesity. Since 2004 I hold a salaried position as Scientific Officer in Endocrinology at the EUROCLINIC OF ATHENS.   Publications 1. Spastic paraplegia as the first manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism. Hippocrates 3: 54-59, 1995. 2.Selective IgA deficiency in a patient with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 101: 287-290, 1996. 3.Therapeutic effects of metformin on insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovary syndrome. 4.European Journal of Endocrinology 138: 269-274, 1998. 5.Chapter writing entitled "Headache associated with metabolic and endocrine disorders" in the book, entitled "Headache", by the Hellenic Headache Society, 1998 6.Polymorphism T → C (-34 bp) of gene CYP 17 promoter in polycystic ovary syndrome and its correlation with the syndrome’s hormonal abnormalities. Fertility Sterility 71 (3): 431-435, 1999. 7.A survey of the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in the Greek island of Lesbos: Hormonal and Metabolic profile. 8.Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 84: 4006-11, 1999. 9.Microsatellite polymorphism (tttta) (n) at -528 base pairs of gene CYP11alpha influences hyperandrogenemia in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility Sterility 73 (4): 735-41, 2000. 10.Increased endothelin-1 levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and the beneficial effect of metformin therapy. 11.Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 86: 4666-73, 2001 12.Failure of mathematical indices to accurately assess insulin resistance in lean, overweight, or obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome.   Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89: 1273-6, 2004.


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    Pericles & Voutsina 84 - Cholargos
  • Endocrinologist Kallithea Attica - SPINA GIOVANA - Diabetologist Kallithea Attica - Metabolic Diseases Kallithea Attica - Gestational Diabetes Kallithea Attica - Developmental Disorders Kallithea Attica - Calcium Disorders Kallithea Attica

    Doctor Endocrinologist - Diabetologist PhD, University of Athens.   He specializes in the treatment of endocrine system disorders such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism.   Our priority is your health and our goal is to satisfy your every need.   We undertake: Metabolic Diseases Gestational Diabetes Developmental Disorders Calcium Disorders as well as many more.   You will find our office at 42 Andromachis Street in Kallithea Attica


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    Andromachis 42 - Kallithea

    Endocrinologist, Diabetologist, in Patras, Achaia. Thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus. The main diseases encountered in the clinic are: Thyroid gland disorders Diabetes mellitus (adult and gestational) - Obesity - Lipid disorders Menstrual disorders - Polycystic ovarian syndrome - Infertility Parathyroid Gland Diseases (Calcium-Vitamin D Metabolism Disorders) Osteoporosis - Menopause Pituitary / adrenal diseases Developmental, embolization disorders resume Athanasios L. Tsekouras was born in 1973 in Arta. education He graduated from the Medical School of the University of Ioannina in 1997 with a BA degree He attended the Postgraduate Studies Program at the Clinical-Clinical Laboratory of the University of Patras, 2006-2007 He is a Ph.D. candidate of the University of Patras with a dissertation theme: "The assessment of Iodopenia and the treatment of Iodopenic Disorders in children and adolescents" with supervisor Professor of Endocrinology / Pathology, Mr. Costas Markos He obtained the title of Medical Specialty of Endocrinology: November 26, 2008 seminars Continuing Vocational Training on "Endocrinology Laboratory", 80 hours, 20/09 to 09/10/2004, Patra 1st Hellenic-Italian-American Course of Thyroid and Parathyroid Clinical Ultrasound: Diagnostic & Interventional, 20 - 21 October 2006, Corfu Basic Semen Analysis Course, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. Andreas Hospital, Andrology Department of Urology Clinic, 23-27 July 2008, Patras work experience Rural Service: Health Center of Delvinaki, Ioannina, from 22/8/1997 to 24/11/1998 Specialization in Pathology: Pathological Clinic, Prefecture of Syros General Hospital, from 30/11/1998 to 31/5/2001 Specialization in Endocrinology: Endocrine Clinic, Pathology Clinic, Patras Hospital, from 15/06/2004 to 15/09/08 Private Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: From 15/12/08 YOU ARE MEMBER of the Greek Endocrinological Society www.endo.gr of the European Society of Endocrinology www.ese-hormones.org of the American Endocrine Society www.endocrine.org of the Medical Association of Patras www.ispatras.gr


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    Riga Feraiou 113 - Patras
  • George Sakorafas, MD, PhD, Endocrine (Thyroid-Parathyroid) Surgeon, Ass. Professor of Surgery, F. Chairman Dept of Surgery SAINT SAVVAS Cancer Hospital, Hospitals:EYGENIDEIO-MITERA-HYGEIA

    Surgeon with special experience in thyroid - parathyroid gland surgery. He has executed (by Aug. 2018) about 1500 thyroidectomy, almost totally total. In 120 of these, lymphatic cleansing of the cervix was simultaneously performed (in patients with thyroid cancer). He has also performed about 120 interventions to treat hyperparathyroidism. Apply and follow any proven and positive development in endocrine gland surgery using the appropriate equipment (when and where appropriate) based on the latest scientific and bibliographic data and instructions from major and recognized international (American and European) label companies. He has a great experience in the treatment of patients with complicated thyroid-parathyroid diseases, which for various reasons have particular difficulties (eg multiple reperfusion, residual disease or disease recurrence, very large goats with a high degree medial depression, extensive thrombotic cervical lymph node invasion, hyperparathyroidism recurrence, hyperparathyroidism due to an ectopic or hyperparathyroid parathyroid adenovirus etc.). He has also performed a large number of general surgery interventions (intra-abdominal procedures eg for benign and malignant diseases of the stomach, intestine, retroperitoneal sarcomas, laparoscopic procedures, soft tissue surgery, breast, herniated wall etc.). He has published about 220 papers in high-quality foreign journals and about 90 works in Greek medical journals.


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    Arkadias 19-21 - Ampelokipoi
  • Moufluzellis Asimakis - Endocrinologist - Diabetologist Mytilini

    Moufluzellis Asimakis Endocrinologist - Diabetologist Mytilini Moufluzellis Asimakis is a medical graduate of the "Carol Davila" University of Bucharest since 2000. He performed the mandatory service at the regional clinic of Stypsis (K.Y. Kallonis) from 2003 to 2004. In June 2005, his two-year specialization began in pathology at G.N.Nos. Mytilene Bostanio, while in 2007-2008 he continued in the pulmonary department of the same hospital. From 2008 to 2009, he served his military service as a doctor at T.E 221 KEN Mytilini, while then he worked for 7 months at the immigrant reception center in Pagani, Mytilini. In 2010, he started his Endocrinology-Diabetology specialization at the 1st University Endocrinology Clinic of Alexandra Hospital, where he completed it. For a year he was in charge of the diabetes center of the Alexandra Hospital in the gestational diabetes department and at the same time he worked at the Eugenide Hospital. He has taken part in many Endocrinology-Diabetology conferences and seminars and is a member of the Hellenic Endocrinology Society as well as the Hellenic Obesity Society. He maintains a private practice in the city of Mytilini as well as in Papados of Gera.


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    32 Kavetsu - Mytilene
  • Pontikidis Nikolaos - Endocrinologist Thessaloniki - Diabetologist Thessaloniki

    Endocrinologist - diabetic Dr. Nicholas Pontikidis maintains his office in the center of Thessaloniki and offers high standard services with sufficient knowledge and extensive experience in the whole range of endocrine and metabolic diseases as well as in diabetes. He is a Ph.D. of the Aristotle University and a former Director of the Endocrinology Clinic of the St. Paul-Virgin Mary Hospital. He has written many papers published in Greek and English-language medical journals, as well as special chapters on books on his subject. He has also taken part in conferences with a multitude of announcements and speeches. He is co-author of the book "Principles of Clinical Endocrinology". His work has been occasionally awarded, and indeed, by the Academy of Athens. Finally, he has contributed with his knowledge and experience to the training of many colleagues endocrinologists who are successful. In his center in Thessaloniki he provides services related to the diagnosis, investigation and treatment of thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal, reproductive, growth, osteoporosis and, in addition, metabolic disorders (especially dyslipidemia) and diabetes mellitus. Book an appointment with the endocrinologist - diabetologist Nikolaos Pontikidis in his office in a central part of Thessaloniki (Ermou 48, Agia Sophia Square) by contacting the secretariat at 2310 227303 for issues related to his specialty.


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    48, Ermou str - Thessaloniki
  • Robopoulos Grigorios - Endocrinologist - Diabetologist - Zografou Athens

      Robopoulos Gregory Endocrinologist - Diabetologist - Zografou Athens   Grigorios Robopoulos holds the Specialty of Endocrinology - Metabolic Diabetes while he is a graduate of the Medical School of the University of Athens. He has 25 years of professional experience in the field of medicine and 14 years of experience in the field of pharmaceutical companies. Mr. Robopoulos, is a graduate of the Medical School of EKPA, served as an agricultural doctor in Boeotia, as a specialist in pathology at the General State Hospital of Nikaia and as a specialist in endocrinology at the Hippocrates of Athens, where he acquired the specialty of Endocrinology.                   What is Endocrinology? Endocrinology is the science that studies the function of the endocrine glands. These glands are small organs or groups of cells located in different parts of the body and are characterized by the production of hormones. Hormones are chemicals produced in the endocrine organs or cells of the human body, transported through the bloodstream to various parts of the body for the purpose of specific regulatory action on the activity of specific cells or organs of the body. Each hormone targets one or more organs or tissues in our body and regulates one or more different functions. Endocrinology is an ever-evolving field of medical science, with constant research and daily enrichment of new information in the international literature. What is an Endocrinologist? The endocrinologist is the appropriately trained and specialized (theoretically and practically) doctor for endocrine and metabolic diseases. Through his specialized knowledge and experience, he is able to evaluate, diagnose diseases of the endocrine glands. At the same time, he plans the treatment plan, while giving the necessary guidelines for the prevention of hormonal diseases. The endocrinologist deals with a very wide range of diseases related to the endocrine glands. Some of them are: Metabolic disorders Diabetes Dyslipidemias Obesity Thyroid diseases Parathyroid diseases Pituitary / Hypothalamic Diseases Adrenal diseases Osteoporosis Menstrual disorders Infertility (for both sexes)                  


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    Soutsou D. 7, Mavili Square - Ampelokipoi

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    - Ilion

    Ms. Chatzimarkou Foteini is a specialized endocrinologist in Salamina. She addresses a wide range of diseases related to the endocrine glands such as: - Thyroid - Diabetes - Acne - Menopause - Intense hair growth in women Years of experience in the field.


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    229 SALAMINAS AVENUE - Salamina