Τρίτη 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 | 12:10 πμ

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  • Bardzos Chrysostomos Manufacturer of Prespa Legumes, Giant Beans & Plaque, Prespa Lentils Pan-Hellenic, Wholesale & Retail No Intermediaries

    The authentic Prespes Bartzos legumes have been on your table since 1968 directly from production to consumption avoiding unnecessary use of pesticides. We guarantee top quality Organic legumes. As a producer and not a trader we have the ability to market our products at wholesale and retail prices. Giants Beans Lentils Nationwide sale with a single phone call.

    Category: RECEPTIONS

    Karies - Florina

    Production, marketing of pleurotus mushrooms, cultivation of pleurotus mushrooms, packaging, distribution, distribution of mushrooms nationwide. Chatzipavlou farms were established in March 2004 with the aim of producing and distributing pleurotus mushrooms. In the Kilkis French area, in a 20000 sqm property, a production unit consisting of 13 cultivation booths, storage areas, and a packing area of ​​4000 sqm .. The booths are equipped with the most up-to-date systems so that they can be produced year-round. The realization of this project is due to the owner of the farm Efi Chatzipavlou who transformed the idea of ​​this project into one of the most productive plants in Greece. The company operates in both wholesale and retail sales throughout much of the Greek market network. recipes - Plum mushrooms with balsamico sauce !!! Ingredients for 4 people • 500g plum mushrooms • 2 tbsp. olive oil • chopped parsley • 2-3 cubes garlic powder • salt • pepper • oregano For balsamico sauce • 4 tbsp. balsamic vinegar • 3 tbsp. honey • 1 tsp mustard • 4 tbsp. olive oil Execute the mushrooms well with a damp cloth. Cut the thick part of the base. Sprinkle with oil and spread on a baking tray. Salt well pepper, sprinkle with oregano and garlic powder (on both sides). Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. Put in a large glass of the sauce ingredients other than the oil and beat well with the coffee mixer. When the honey has melted, add the oil and beat until the sauce thickens. Serve with mushrooms on a plate, sprinkle with sauce and sprinkle with fresh parsley. - Roasted mushrooms 1) Clean the mushrooms with a damp cloth or paper, divide them into medium pieces and spread them on a baking tray. 2) Sprinkle with chopped garlic. 3) Beat the oil, balsamic, thyme, salt, pepper in the blender for a while and sprinkle the mushrooms. 4) Mix the ingredients in the pan so that the herbs and liquids go everywhere. 5) Add the bottom and bacon from the top 6) Bake in a strong oven (220-250) for 30'-35 '. 7) Serve hot with a little lemon juice and serve with yogurt and white wine. 8) Instead of balsamic, we can quench with wine and leave the food in the oven for a little while until it evaporates. Bon appetit! - Plum mushrooms in the oven with potatoes • 1 kg of plum mushrooms • 1.5 kg of potatoes • 1 bunch of spring onions • 1/2 bunch of dill • 1 bunch of parsley • 4 cloves garlic • oregano • rosemary • 4 tbsp. balsamic • 1 lemon (zest and juice) • 2 cups of brown oil • salt • pepper EXCLUSION We open the bouquet of mushrooms by separating them. Cut large mushrooms in the middle. We clean the potatoes and cut them thin (as for french fries). Put mushrooms and potatoes in a pan. Chop the onions, dill, parsley and garlic and toss in a pan. Add the rest of the ingredients (and the oil) and mix well with the mushrooms and potatoes. Pour a glass of water and bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. If needed, add hot water. - Side mushrooms on the grill • 500gr of lettuce • 1 cup of oil • 1 c. mustard • 1 clove of garlic • Oregano (very little because it is bitter) • Lemon • Salt Running We clean the sides We beat the oil, mustard, chopped garlic and oregano, lemon and toss. Stir well to get the mixture to all the mushrooms. Spread on the baking pan, salt and bake on the grill at 200 ° for about 20-30 minutes. In the meantime turn them over so they can be cooked on both sides. - Mushrooms in the pan Ingredients: • fresh mushrooms (500 g) • 2 large onions • oil • salt - pepper, (and generally spicy and spicy to your soul) Finish: Cut mushrooms and onions into thin slices. Put the oil in the pan to burn and sauté the mushrooms and onions until they are juicy. Add salt, pepper and generally spices at will .... and ready - Mushroom Soup Ingredients (for Four People) • 500 grams of mushrooms in small pieces • 1 chopped dry onion * 2 tablespoons of butter • 2 tablespoons flour • liters of vegetable broth or warm water * 3-4 sprigs of parsley finely chopped mashed olives on high heat for ten minutes, until they stop getting wet and wither. Add the flour and mix with the broth or water. Boil the soup over medium heat for twenty minutes, until it is firm. Optionally you can grind the soup in the blender. Finally flavored

    Category: RECEPTIONS

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