Σάββατο 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 | 12:05 μμ

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  • Gathan - Rhodes Magician - Clown - Magician - Dodecanese Magicians - Magicians for Kids Party - Rhythmic Performances at Rhodes Social Events

    Give a pleasant note to important events such as kids parties, birthdays, christenings, inaugurations, weddings. The well-known magician Gathan comes to your place and is perfectly organized to leave stateless children and adults with spectacular magic tricks such as: disappearance and appearance of small animals, decks, coins, scarves, candles, suspensions! If you want your event to succeed Sorcerer Gathan knows how. Fun performances with pigeons, hares, fish and other small living assistants will leave speechless young and old with a lot of fun, fun and humor. Inviting Gathan Magician to your event ensures success, his abilities create a new level of entertainment at your events. Gathan will take you through the magical and wondrous world of soap bubble, with the participation of the audience, creating a completely different show, with triangles - square bubbles, smoke bubbles, special effects and much more. Children also have the opportunity to go in and see giant bubbles.

    Category: CONJURERS

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    Koskinou - Rhodes