Companies Catalog

in: Attica, Kithira
Surveyor Engineer T.E. - IOANNIS TRAVASAROS - Land Registry - Transfers - Topographic Works - Certification of Arbitrary - Contracts Kythira Attica
The technical office IOANNIS TRAVASAROS is based in KYTHIRA We are active around the services of elaboration - support of studies and undertaking - supervision of topographic works in Kythira and Antikythira, having top technology equipment Aiming to provide the best technical services, our office pays special attention to planning, the consistency of the work schedule, as well as their proper implementation. The object of our technical office are: topographic studies, Land Registry, special maps, construction site support, topographic diagrams, etc. as well as the delivery of the project according to your requirements and needs within the agreed schedule.Category: AGRONOMER - TOPOGRAPHERS
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