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Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens
Massage is perhaps the most ancient form of therapy as it has been used for thousands of years. Massage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, lungs, circulatory and immune systems, favors the nervous and, of course, the muscular and skeletal systems, reduces blood pressure and helps dilate blood vessels and oxygenate the cells. In our Center you will find relaxing, lymphatic massage, stone massage, cupping, treatments for Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Epicondylitis, Shoulder Tendonitis, Muscle Spasm and Cramp, Periostitis, Sprain, Contusion, Achilles Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chondropathy & Baker's Cyst, Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Acantha, Tendonitis and De Quervain's Syndrome, Trochanteritis and Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Opioid Syndrome, Morton's Neuroma, Meniscal Tear, Frozen Shoulder, Cruciate Knee Rupture, Collateral Knee Rupture, Patient Muscle Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy. Relaxing therapeutic Massage Massage is perhaps the most ancient form of therapy as it has been used for thousands of years on both healthy and sick people. One way of communication is touch, it is the first sense that man develops. Massage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, lungs, circulatory and immune systems, favors the nervous and, of course, the muscular and skeletal systems, reduces blood pressure and helps dilate blood vessels and oxygenate the cells. Duration 45'/€20.00 Duration 60'/€25.00 Massage with stones Hot stones have analgesic properties that relieve muscle pain and vasodilator action that improves blood circulation and the transport of oxygen to the tissues. In combination with the appropriate essential oils that are spread over the body during the massage, the result creates unique well-being. Among the benefits of massage with natural basalt stones of volcanic origin is the increase in blood circulation and detoxification. Duration 45'/€25.00 Duration 60'/€30.00 Massage with suction cups Cupping is a safe, non-violent and economical technique used in the relief of pain caused by disorders in the lungs and other internal organs, muscle spasms, joint pain. They are a treatment method based on creating a local absorbent force by applying vacuum cups to the skin creating a vacuum and negative pressure while helping to drain retained fluids and toxins. It stimulates the peripheral nervous system, restores the free flow of blood. Duration 30'/€20.00 Duration 45'/€25.00 Anti-aging Face Massage + roller Our various facial expressions create lines and wrinkles that affect the healthy function of muscles and skin. Benefits are better blood circulation, hydration, elasticity, skin color that looks healthier, brighter and more rosy due to better blood circulation and oxygenation of cells. Through the lymph, toxins, swelling and dark circles leave. Duration 30'/€15.00 Duration 45'/€20.00 Lymphatic massage It targets the lymphatic organs, lymph nodes and lymph vessels with the aim of improving lymph circulation. It aims to strengthen the immune system and detoxify the body, helps to reduce retention, increase the activity of the immune system and increase the production of lymphocytes. Duration 30'/€15.00 Duration 45'/€20.00 Duration 60'/€25.00 Cellulitis Massage Where cellulite appears, there is poor blood circulation and swelling of the fat cells, causing the connective tissue to lose its elasticity. Massage contributes to decongestion, helps the body to detoxify. For cellulite, massage is very important as it reduces the relaxation of the skin by promoting its tightening, normalizes the stretch marks, while increasing the oxygenation of the tissues. It enhances microcirculation & manages to remove fluid retention that is responsible for the appearance of swelling. Duration 30'/€20.00 Duration 45'/€25.00 Duration 60'/€30.00 Treatments of Musculoskeletal Diseases Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Epicondylitis, Shoulder Tendonitis, Muscle Spasm and Cramp, Periostitis, Sprain, Sprain, Achilles Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chondropathy & Baker's Cyst, Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Acantha, Tendonitis Tendonitis tritis and de quervain syndrome, Trochanteritis and iliotibial band syndrome, Opioid Syndrome, Morton's Neuroma, Meniscal Rupture, Frozen Shoulder, Cruciate Knee Rupture, Collateral Knee Rupture, Patient Muscular Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy. Duration 30'/€20.00 Analgesic Massage Analgesic massage is a type of massage that relieves and relieves the symptoms of chronic diseases that people face in everyday life. The causes of these diseases can be bad posture, lack of exercise, stress, etc. Analgesic massage is aimed at the alternative treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, as well as the care and rejuvenation of the entire organism, giving therapeutic stimuli to the body and awakening the ability of self-healing that we all have. Duration 30'/€20.00Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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Nowadays we live our organization receives hundreds of negative, external factors, with the result that it can process them. As a consequence occurring increasingly often health problems cause "stress, anxiety, psychological stress, etc." Neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, insomnia, ulcers, pain, constipation, allergies, intolerances ... we could continue for a long time so ... are among the most common disorders of our body. What can we do; To live with it, to suppress the symptoms with medication by trying one drug after another, or to grasp the problem from the root. Biofeedback and radioniki treatment allows our body to get the breath of need without the extra burden. Exissoropoiei his body disorders, restores the immune system and its functions and provides energy where you need it. Through a simple control can have an overview of the current state of the organization, noting immediately that there are disturbances. With the help of therapeutic device regulated all these, giving the body again a exissoropoiimeni fitness.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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CHIOTIS GEORGIOS | ANESTHEOLOGIST INTENSIVE PRACTITIONER Acupuncture & Pain Management | Trikala Greece Giorgos I. Chiotis attended the AUTh Medical School. From 1983 to 1987 he specialized in Anesthesiology at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the University Hospital of Patras. In 1988 - 1989 he worked as a full-time anesthetist in the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit at UPPSALA University Hospital, Sweden, where he was trained to deal with acute and chronic pain. He then worked as an anesthesiologist in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of the University Hospital of Patras, as head of the Pain Management Pactice. He received the legal specialization in Intensivity. Since 1994 he has been working as Anesthesiologist, freelancer in Trikala. Since 2012 he has been trained in the use of Ultrasound in Peripheral Nervous Exclusions. In July 2013 he participated as an anesthesiologist in the department of ULM Germany's University Clinical Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Management for training in the use of Ultrasound in Regional Anesthesia - Pain Management. Since 2014 she works as an intensive at the "Kyannus" Clinic of Larissa. He was trained for 2 years in Medical Acupuncture by the Acupuncture Training Institute of Greece. He then attended special postgraduate courses of Ottomanism by dr. Giancarlo Bazzoni as well as aesthetic acupuncture by Radha Thambirajah. He maintains Acupuncture and Pain Management practice in Trikala.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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CORPUS MENTE is a new area of applied alternative therapies and seminars in the area of Glyfada. Its aim is the excellent professional services in health, wellness and personal growth. The services provided are: Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, hypnobirthing, Reiki, Thai massage, shiatsu (and other therapeutic techniques), yoga for kids, yoga for pregnancy, therapeutic yoga, personal growth seminars, small groups seminars occupational psychology and various other seminars that will be announced on our website. Also, the space can be given to third parties after arrangement. Kids Yoga parties can also be arranged. We are open to suggestions, tips and friendly conversation! Thank you all for your feedback! All the therapies and the presentations and also the "yoga for children" lessons in English'.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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PARA LEER EN ESPAÑOL VETE A FOR SPANISH GO TO CV/SERVICES Koalani* (Isabel Aktypi) is a certified hypnotherapist and a member of the International Hypnosis Federation ( ). She has an academic background. She has studied and researched the metaphysical fields for several years and has been a student of the famous hypnotherapist Dick Sutphen ( . She is located in downtown Athens, Greece, and can direct channeling and hypnosis sessions in English, Spanish, Greek, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch. Hypnosis is a deep relaxation where our brain produces alpha waves, which fluctuate between 9 and 13 cycles per second. We go into this state of consciousness every day when we watch TV, read, before sleep, etc. In this altered state our extra sensory perception is hightened and we can get insight into a past life, information that we otherwise don't know or contact discarnate entities. The method used is guided imagery. In Back-to-the-Cause Therapy we go back to the cause of whatever is troubling you, whether that is in a past life or in this lifetime and heal it. A problem (an addiction, an emotional block, a phobia, obesity, etc) is often caused by a trauma. Once the trauma is relived, the client is led to the spiritual level (Spirit) where they, in touch with their spirit guide or higher-self can understand and overcome what is left undone (i.e. forgiveness, accepting what is, new insight, etc). It's not important whether the impressions we get really happened or not. What matters is healing and the subconscious mind will bring us the very impressions that we need in order to heal. In Past-Life Therapy we go to the lifetime that influences you the most or helps you in your self-development. We can i.e. study the similarities with your present life, and the relationships with the people you know now. The most important people in our lives are part of our soul group and have been with us in most past lives in different relationships which very often play a role in our current relationships with each other. In Progressions we attune with our ideal frequency that corresponds to one of five possible future versions of the future of this or another lifetime. Research has shown that once we choose such a frequency we program ourselves for the future events we want, leaving the poorer versions to happen in a parallel universe instead of this one. In Spirit-Contact Therapy we contact your spirit guide, who together with your higher self gives us answers and insight into the karmic ramifications, challenges and lessons of your past lives. We can also contact any loved one who has crossed over (even pets), as long as they're available and not on a mission. Should they be earth-bound, we can help them cross over into the light. If they died recently, chances are they are resting or healing, which means they won’t be able to come. We can also contact the spirit of a dead beloved through channeling with Koalani’s co-worker or through a meditation with Koalani’s spirit guide Cheyenne. Other important info that we can get under hypnosis or in a channeling is our soul growth level, about our twin flame, soul group and life mission, as well as get some advice about our future. However, for advice on one’s future it’s best to have a tarot reading or a channeling, since a third party is more neutral. In Soul Retrieval the client can get back the pieces of their astral body (or soul) which were lost under a severe trauma in this lifetime or in a past one. Loss of soul fragments causes fatigue, a weakened immune system, lack of concentration and other health problems and leaves the astral body open and vulnerable to errant entities that can attach to it and cause serious psychological or physical illnesses. Koalani’s guide Cheyenne can gather all the fragments from all your past lives and give them all back to you in one single channeling or meditation session. In a regression one can only recuperate single fragments. In Spirit Releasement Therapy we spot, dialogue with and release into the light any attached entities (thought forms, earthbounds, demons or etherical aliens) Those entities are either karmic (from past lives or through unconscious agreements) or attracted to people due to similar feelings or energies they share with those entities. They can also be sent to someone through witchcraft or a curse. In this case, we also proceed into lifting the curse or breaking the witchcraft. Entities can be the cause of deep and unexplained suffering and life-long adversity. ET’s can place etherical implants into people’s bodies and abduct them through an invitation, a subconscious contract or a past life connection. Koalani’s spirit helpers can put protection against being abducted again and remove them. The elimination of implants is done remotely on the astral plane by Koalani and her helpers due to the long duration of the operations. The standard hypnosis session starts with a back-to-the-cause regression. We then proceed to contact your spirit guide, from whom we get all the answers and explanations we need. There we also do any healing that may be necessary. The session ends with suggestions for personal development (for weight loss, to stop smoking, to boost your self-confidence, to attune you with the law of attraction, etc.) Regression sessions take about two hours and channeling one hour. Spirit Releasement Therapy and Soul Retrieval are optimally held by channeling Koalani’s spirit guide or in meditation. Don't forget to write down exactly what you want to explore, any phobias or issues you have and the questions you want to have answered. The channeling session is recorded and sent with a link for you to download. You can have a session from anywhere in the world through Skype (free and very easy to use). If you're experiencing some sort of problem contact Koalani and her guide Cheyenne will do a free detection of the causes and the treatment/method to follow. For more details about what to expect from a session, read Hypnosis and Self-Development. For examples of case stories, go to Koalani's Metaphysical Column. *Hawaiian for Spiritual Warrior. SPIRIT RELEASEMENT THERAPY Humans are made out of many bodies: a biological body, an etheric body (our life force or qi or mana in Hawaiian) and an astral body. We also have a mental body (our thoughts), an emotional body and a spiritual body (our higher self). When our astral body is weakened, an astral entity can attach to it. Weakening can be caused by illness, drug or alcohol intoxication, anesthesia, an organ transplant surgery, delivery, abortion, miscarriage, injury, sleepwalking, astral projection, meditation, an emotional shock, depression, etc. This is the reason why we should always ask for protection from our angels or guides, or visualize being surrounded by white light before we dabble in a metaphysical activity. Entities can also enter when we summon them, either by séance, the ouija-board, automatic writing, witchcraft, etc. It doesn’t matter whether we call upon a specific entity or not; any other entity, including a demon, can come instead, posing as the one we called in. It can stick around in our home or attach itself to our astral body. I suggest to all amateurs to better leave the séance to professional mediums, while they should forget about the ouija-board and witchcraft all together (unless it’s white magic, in collaboration with your spirit guide or some angelic entity). As for automatic writing, it’s safe to experiment, but always ask for protection and make sure you never attempt to go at it while harboring negative feelings. The same guidelines are valid for astral travel. Should a spirit pose to you as your guide and give you guidelines or some deal, don’t trust it. A real spirit guide usually comes in our dreams and offers advice, some message or support. In the alternative field, many psychics and therapists are duped when they first call upon their spirit guides or angels. Then they unknowingly co-operate with a dark entity, who undermines and sabotages their work. They may say to you that you have a spell or a curse on you (and they may be right) but they will ask for thousands of dollars to break it. Or you may go to them for therapy but leave with an entity that their demon placed on you. Such a professional is actually as much a victim as their client. The dark entity comes to them through a weakness, or if their main motivation is personal gain and ambition. Entities that can attach to us can be thought forms, souls of dead humans or animals, fragments of human or animal souls either dead or alive, umbilical chords, extraterrestrials or their souls, elementals, all kinds of little people, imps, elves and the like, Nephilim or their souls and finally demons. A separate kind of entities are fragments of ourselves. After a traumatic situation, they dissociate themselves from the rest of our astral body, albeit staying close to it, and take control of our behavior, according to their own needs. They can be very disturbing, even more so than a dark force entity. If they were generated in this life time, they cannot be sent to the light, but must be integrated with the rest of the personality. This calls for a series of sessions where each entity is identified, is left room to express its needs and is led to reintegrate. But usually malevolent entities are with us from past lives. They were an enemy or our own self who turned demonic. Murders and suicides often lead a soul to get stuck in hatred, despair or vengefulness and blindly pursues its future self or enemy in its future lifetimes. The entity, no matter how benevolent it is, transfers its own thoughts, emotions and needs to us. It can cause dysfunctional behavior, blocks, negative feelings, obsessions, addictions, suicide tendencies, fatigue, schizophrenia, amnesia, Alzheimer (together with astral body fragmentation), bipolar disorder, DID or MPD (Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder), MID (Misidentified Identity Disorder), epilepsy, fainting, etc. Obviously this is not to say that all these conditions are always caused by entities. The symptoms of an entity attachment can be a cold/hot/sore/heavy feeling on your body. Many times it’s not symmetric, i.e. you feel it on just one hand or foot. Most signs are however emotional. You feel unexplainable sadness, emptiness, fear, mistrust, loneliness, anger, etc. Or you tend to do odd or extreme things, totally out of character. Your life may become difficult, out of sync, attracting all the wrong situations and people. You seem to repel people or don’t seem able to communicate with them on a deep level. Under hypnosis, the symptoms are heightened and if the entity has weakened you to a high degree (especially if it’s a demon), you may not be able to pull through the session, if you’re doing it by yourself. Some of my clients were so exhausted that we had to continue the job in a second session and preferably through a third party. Another very serious matter revealed to us by our guide is that some clients made a subconscious pact with the demon during the session, and thus were fooled by it, seeing that it went to the light, while it actually stayed with them. In some other cases, the demon made them see that everything was fine and that there was no attachment. Worse even, it made them see that there was another demon that was led to the light. A real show! So the only certain way to do a spirit releasement is under the supervision of our spirit guides, with my co-worker astral projecting. Under the supervision of our spirit guides, inspired by Dr William Baldwin’s method, the entity is tracked down and placed in my co-worker’s body. I then converse with it and convince it to go back home, i.e. to its own place in the light (the medium astral plane), where souls reside and can go to their next level of development. A soul may have dwelled for centuries or even millennia in the lower astral plane, a low-vibrational place where demons and other evil-doers, lost souls and sorcerers reside or visit. A soul can also attach itself to one person or hop from one person to another. When someone with an attachment dies, their soul may be strong enough to drag the attached one into the light. Or the attachment may be stronger and stop its host from going on, keeping them in the darkness (the lower astral plane). It can also schlep it into a new body, entering it two at a time. Through this mechanism, someone can have hundreds of attachments! What keeps a human soul in the lower astral plane (the one closest to earth) are their negative feelings upon their death (rage, fear, vengefulness, the feeling of unfairness or of unfinished business, or simply confusion). Some souls don’t even realize they passed away and may be earth-bound, walking amongst us, not understanding why we can’t see them. Others just don’t go into the light that pops up because they don’t believe in anything or because there is a curse or witchcraft upon them, blocking them. These latter ones are more vulnerable to cooperating with the forces of darkness who make them phony promises they can’t always deliver, thereby entrapping them and enslaving them. These lost souls become demonic themselves, soon discovering that they were conned, yet unable to do anything about it. Their vibration is so low that they’re doomed to eternal slavery. They soon forget who they were and that they even had a life as humans, but think of themselves as demons. Until they’re discovered by some therapist or shaman who helps them remember and saves them. With this method, even real demons can be saved! That’s right. Lucifer deceived them by telling them that the light is dangerous and must be avoided. He told them he would protect them from it. He encouraged them to feel more and more hatred, arrogance and anger and ordered them to destroy humans. They can do that through these same feelings that humans feel. Like attracts like. These feelings lead to destructive behavior and people get sick, harm others, kill and ultimately die. There are also free agents among dark force entities, those who don’t obey to Satan but do evil on their own. In every dark force entity there is however deep inside of it a monad of light, a spark of light that it once was, when it was born out of the divine source. When I convince them to look deep inside (and they almost always do, out of curiosity or to get what I promise them), they see this monad of light. As they watch it, it grows, they realize it doesn’t harm them, but makes them feel good. They figure out the deception, they remember their latest lifetime or their identity, they are transformed and they repent. At this point, they’re eager to follow the angels back into their spiritual home. Before they leave, I ask them to call in all those under their command and their friends and order them/encourage them to receive the same treatment. They are glad to do it and thus hundreds or thousands of dark force entities can be saved at once! There are some cases where the demon is very strong and stubborn and doesn’t cooperate at all, refusing to look inside, all the while inflicting terrible physical pain to its host, my co-worker, who doesn’t feel anything at the time and does get healing by our guides before he wakes up. Some of those demons attack my coworker who has to pull out his spiritual sword and fight them with his guide and the angels. Sometimes they stay within him until they are weakened. Ultimately they all go back to spirit. When the entity is someone who was present in one of our past lives, the only thing it sometimes needs to be appeased is our forgiveness. We must give it to him or her. To be set free from evil we must be on a spiritual path, willing to ask for forgiveness for our past mistakes and forgive those who have harmed us. For extraterrestrials the method is sometimes similar, when they have turned into demons. Otherwise, it depends on their intent. A common practice is placing etheric probes on people’s astral bodies for information or experimentation. Upon detection, I call the captain or the governor and I invoke the “Prime Directive”, inspired from the popular series “Star Trek”, which forbids more advanced civilizations from tempering with less advanced ones. Some understand, pick up their equipment and go their way. In the case of demon-ruled ETs, I first deal with the ruler’s demon. When it’s released, the alien becomes friendly and orders all equipment to be picked up. He/she can also ask other similar equipments to be taken off from all humans. Dr William Baldwin has removed in this way thousands of alien probes on unsuspecting people at once. This is however not always possible, like in the case of an agreement between the aliens and the government. It has been proven through people under hypnosis that the US and other governments receive alien weapons in exchange for carrying out experiments on people, either directly on their physical body by abducting them, or through etheric devices placed on their light body, by pushing their emotions to peaks and forcing them into addictions. There are also exiled extraterrestrials who left their dimension because of some sort of totalitarian regime, or plain lost ones, who wandered away and landed on my client. Others are hybrids, crossings of two different alien creatures, who became outcasts in both worlds. I call in the angels responsible for each one so that they can take them into their own place in the light, from which they can help their planet or just be and grow. There are also entire worlds where the divine light has never reached, who were enslaved by Lucifer right after creation, or made up a contract with him later on. Their descendants may not even know about it and just follow the system given to them. Those beings live in a rut, without joy, love or freedom, doomed to die at a fixed age, and their souls are given to the Devil, lacking awareness or insight. However, there is an entire galaxy that belongs to Lilith, Adam’s first wife, and another one to Lucifer. Its creatures are programmed robot-like beings who lack feelings and whose only concern is to carry out their job -experiments- without any consideration for human pain. They strike deals with demons and place etheric implants in human bodies. They refuse to take them out once they are convinced to leave, which is extremely difficult and only achievable if one has something to give them in exchange. So we usually resort to war. The implants can act as transmitters and program humans to think and act as they are told. They also extract energy from them and cause them severe health issues. We have had clients with hundreds of them. With the help of our guide and his spirit helpers we can remove those implants. Elementals, earth spirits and trolls/little people (ethereal beings) are guided back to their own realm. Thought forms and egregores (created by human or demonic thoughts and emotions, either intentionally or not), are simply cleared up by angelic light. Through witchcraft and curses negatively programmed thought forms, demons or lost souls are commonly sent to people. Earthbounds, ethereal beings and aliens are usually attracted to the ones they attach to, because of similar characteristics, out of a misplaced need to help them or to find refuge. Dead relatives or beloved ones often fall under this category. Demons deserve a separate paragraph, because they influence more or less all of us. The levels of demonic influence are four: 1. Demonic influence This is the influence that every human undergoes, even Jesus Christ. Demons take advantage of our weaknesses so as to push us into dysfunctional behaviors and negative feelings. Whether we succumb to it or not depends on our knowledge and our faith. Satan’s greatest victory nowadays is to have convinced the whole Anglo-Saxon and Northern European world that he does not exist. Even psychics, mediums, spiritualists and priests don’t believe in his existence, let alone academics and scientists. He can then do his work undisturbed through such people. They even go out of their way to prove that dark forces are inexistent. And it works, if you don’t believe in something, it won’t appear in your research, even if you try to be open-minded about it. Most people don’t have a high enough spiritual level to be confronted with dark forces anyway. They’re not ready for it, so they’re protected by their angels. Or simply put, it´s not part of their mission. 2. Demonic attack Demons attack us when we are asleep or in a hypnogogic state. There are different kinds of attack, like sleep paralysis, suffocation, Incubi and Succumbi (sexual attack), direct attack which leaves bruises or physical pain, repetitive and specific nightmares where we are being chased by someone or simply an apparition in our bedroom that frightens us. Some of these phenomena are of course only due to our fears. Our fear is also the one which allows dark force entities to attack us. We may also have given them the right to do so in a past life or in the present one through some sort of deal. Or someone else may have given them this right (often an ancestor or relative) through a deal, witchcraft or a curse. The house where we live may be infested through witchcraft or even satanic rituals. Should there be any infested objects, they must be located, purified by a priest and burned. And then the whole house should be spiritually cleansed. To drive any spirits from a home away I follow the same procedure, i.e. I communicate with the entities through my co-worker. To dissolve any deals, the deal maker repeats the renunciation of the darkness after me. Demonic attack can also be an attempt of the forces of darkness to frighten or stop someone with an important future mission. Under this category fall light workers. 3. Demonic oppression Here the demon is not attached to its victim’s body, but remains at a distance. It has however the right to multiply its target’s negative tendencies (anger, depression, self-destruction, etc) as well as those of the people who interact with them. It can cause them great and constant bad luck and makes them make all the wrong choices (I always wondered why Donald Duck had such a permanent bad luck, now I know!). Contact with our spirit guide, our inner guidance and intuition is thus blocked. Demonic oppression comes from witchcraft, curses or collaboration with the forces of darkness in a past life. I’d say it’s the worst kind of interference, because the spirits that are interfering are not detectable and few psychics can pinpoint the problem, which can go on more and more intense with each lifetime, until it destroys totally the victim’s life and entraps them after their death into turning into a dark force entity themselves. I use the same technique, talk with the entity who put the curse so as to convince them to take it back. Demonic oppression may seem unfair when the victim is innocent, but it’s a wonderful opportunity to rise spiritually much faster than through easy lifetimes. It’s also a form of training for those spirits who choose to fight the forces of darkness. Clearly, there is an increased risk of surrendering to them before one reaches their goal. But I´m not referring here to the thousands of incarnations that someone´s higher self can send, but to a few ones. 4. Demonic attachment (possession) Here the demon is attached to its victim’s astral body and directly influences its thoughts, emotions, decisions and the people around them. The person is gradually weakened and it can lead to full-blown possession, the classic demonic possession that has led to so many movies being created and books written. Demonic attachment however, is seldom detectable. The demons usually are well-hidden and have a specific agenda. When the attachment is done through black magic, the demons perform the sorcerer’s orders (i.e. make the person split up with their mate, get sick, die, commit suicide, marry someone specific, etc). In this case only someone highly knowledgeable or gifted can suspect that there is a demon in the way. Attachment can also occur because of weakness, like any attachment. In some cases, the soul often agrees to it before it incarnates, while planning their future life, as a challenge to be overcome. Again the gain is spiritual growth, strength and insight. But the demon could also have been attracted through negative feelings or through dangerous metaphysical games and the occult. It´s imperative not to have negative feeling such as fear or despair, because these are the demons´ energy source. If the attached spirit becomes stronger, we have visible signs and the victim and the people around them know they’re possessed. Once the possession progresses over the years, the demons acquire total control over their victim and the process may be irreversible. The individual switches off from any positive emotion and the demons are then able to “eat up” their soul little by little. The person is destined to die and their soul might become enslaved. Malachi Martin, the well-known US catholic exorcist says in his book “Hostage to the Devil” that these people are characterized by the inexpressiveness on their face, their coldness and “absence”. He calls them “totally possessed”. But if a demon can be converted, so can they. The church’s approach to exorcism is however one of defiance and confrontation and therefore often fails. I approach demons as a friend, so that they can accept my help. Another reason why the church’s approach often fails is that they fail to examine past lives, where demons most often arose. A common situation is that my client has a past life with someone else who after death became a demon. Those two people meet again in this life, because the other one has a personal agenda against my client. The other person’s demon is out to “get” their enemy. They will follow them from lifetime to lifetime. Unless my client asks for forgiveness, they won’t budge. A third reason why a church’s exorcism isn’t effective is because it doesn’ place a protective shield around the demonized person after the ritual. The exorcized demon may just have been an underling sent by another person’s demon who was their enemy in a past life. In such a case (which is more common than you may imagine) the other person’s demon gets angry and sends a new underling to the recently exorcized. Once the entity leaves, there is often a hole in the victim’s astral body. It may be that very hole the one that allowed the attachment to take place. Such a hole is created during an emotional shock where a soul fragment vacates with the feeling of a painful memory to enable the person to cope. We also lose parts of our soul when we suffer and grieve. In this case the soul is pulverized. Lost soul fragments very often date back to past lives. It’s advisable to get those vacated fragments back as soon as possible, since the person can attract a new attachment. The procedure of retrieving one’s lost fragments is called Soul Retrieval. Our guide gathers all of each client’s fragments and we only need one session to return them to them. Clients with an entity who find out about my therapy and try to come to me are sometimes impeded by it. The entity knows that it might be evicted and reacts. The result is that such clients stand me up after being influenced by something they hear or read, they cancel, get scared, arrive late or encounter an array of technical problems. Or they do come but they can’t relax or concentrate or even see anything under hypnosis, if they try to do it by themselves. Βy asking for archangel Michael’s help, these sorts of problems work themselves out. There is another form the forces of darkness express themselves through humans, and that’s when they evict a soul upon a baby’s birth and take its place. They can only do so when they have the right or the strength to (i.e. through satanic ritual abuse or sex with demons). They are called “the red ones”. The person who is born is void of any divine light and is a blind servant of Lucifer. These people are very well hidden. They often appear jovial and nice. They either carry out their mission inadvertently or they become dark magicians. These people would never come to me except when they’re not yet aware of who they are and they happen to consult me for some other problem. I had one such client who defended Lucifer under hypnosis. Another way to make a red one is when a demon alters a new soul’s DNA before birth. This is usually done when a woman makes a contract with a dark entity in order to conceive. That’s very common, since most of them don’t even realize it. More generally, reds are those who incarnate from the lower astral level, with the help of demons. Our guide is often able to clean them from a distance, especially if they’re under 15. Otherwise they must seek help in person. Another tricky group are people with a dark contract. If another person does a spirit releasement for them, another demon comes and takes the first one’s place. If the second one is also evicted, a third one arrives, etc. So it’s no use doing that. They have to break the contract themselves in order to be free from dark entities. If they´re not willing to clean themselves up, people around them must seek protection or avoid them. When a sorcerer sends demons in this lifetime, what we do is oust the demons, cleanse the victim and cut the ties between them or the person who hired the sorcerer. People who used to have demons ought to seek Archangel Michael´s protection. I often have to call upon his direct intervention, when a demon is too stubborn and tries to kill my co-worker. It’s said that after the Shift (the new era that will gradually come after 2012) dark force entities will be restricted for 1000 years. We shall see! PRICES -Hypnotherapy : 70 euros. This choice includes past-life and spirit contact therapy as well as future programming, where you are the one who is hypnotized. If it comes up and is possible, it can also include a partial soul retrieval or spirit releasement therapy. -Channeling: 110 euros. This option includes spiritual guidance or contact with a dear beloved. It’s done remotely with me in meditation with my spirit guide Cheyenne. -Spirit Releasement Therapy/Lifting of curses and breaking of black magic: 120 euros. It includes a spiritual protection shield. This service is also done remotely by me in meditation with Cheyenne. -Soul Retrieval: 130 euros. Our guide has gathered in advance all of our clients’ soul fragments from every lifetime and gives them back to them. It’s done remotely in meditation. -Past-life reading: 50 euro. You have a choice between getting a detailed report on one particular life or a rough one on 3-4 important past lives, through Skype or by e-mail. You also get to know your soul level, your karmic lessons, the approximate number of your lives and the common people between then and now. -Recording of guided past-life regression: 8 euros. The recording is a half hour long and it guides you step by step into a past life. You will receive it within 24 hours of sending your payment to my account in Paypal. Don’t forget to include your e-mail and the language you want the recording in. It’s available in English, Norwegian, Spanish and Greek. -Etherical alien implant removal: -The charge depends on the size, absorption and amount of implants, ranging from 20 euros to 80 euros a month, for a certain amount of months. It’s done remotely. -Veils: 120 euros, remotely in meditation. -Shadows: 120 euros three or four times a year, remotely in meditation. It usually takes one to two years to clear a shadow, depending on the case. For more information, go to www.spiritualinsight.grCategory: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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Maria Anagnostopoulou - Center for Alternative Therapies - Chiropractic - Therapeutic Massage - Acupuncture - Larissa
Maria Anagnostopoulou Alternative Therapy Center - Chiropractic - Therapeutic Massage - Acupuncture - Larissa The person in charge of the hospital is Maria Anagnostopoulou. The alternative hospital opened its doors to the public in 2014. Its philosophy is summarized in the holistic view of the patient as body and mind. Aiming at functional rehabilitation, it uses all natural means as well as various scientific methods in order to reintegrate the patient into daily activities and work in the best possible way. As she says "therapists are born". From a young age, Maria Anagnostopoulou, constantly seeing people around her falling and hitting, always ran to help. With whatever means she could use, her arms, her legs and not knowing how, she tried in every way to help by doing massages and rubbing the sore area. So little by little she discovered herself and her call to alternative therapies. Maria Anagnostopoulou studied Alternative Therapist at the American College and graduated from Shiatsu Therapist. Then she continued her studies at the University of Cyprus studying osteopathy. Having received a degree in Chiropractic, he also began to study reflexology. What is shiatsu Shiatsu (shiatsu) is a method of hand massage (massage) that enhances well-being. As a complete technique, it appeared in Japan in the early 20th century. It is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese Medicine and includes pressure on the toes, feet, palms, assisted stretching, and joint massage. A shiatsu session lasts about an hour and takes place with the recipient of the treatment dressed in comfortable clothes and lying on the special futon mattress that is placed on the floor. What is osteopathy? Headaches, musculoskeletal and gynecological problems are just one of the few diseases that osteopathy can effectively intervene and cure, relieving pain and discomfort. This amazing treatment has many unimaginable benefits. Osteopathy is not physiotherapy nor does it have to do with any massage movements. Osteopathy holistically approaches the human body and corrects the mechanical disorder of the human skeleton. What is reflexology Reflexology is a form of physiotherapy that deals with putting pressure on the feet, ears and hands. It is an ancient Chinese practice that in recent years has become increasingly popular as a holistic treatment. It is based on the theory that specific points in the body are connected to specific organs and systems of the body. For example, the liver is located in the arch of the foot. By putting pressure on the spot, I activate the parasympathetic system. Alternative therapies are mild, non-pharmacological therapeutic approaches, beyond traditional medicine. The term alternative therapy is commonly used to describe practices that complement conventional medical therapies. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), the term includes a variety of therapeutic practices that are not considered part of modern conventional medicine. Main practices described by the term are homeopathy, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, reflexology, Ayurvedic therapy, chiropractic, herbal medicine, etc. For the most part, Alternative Therapies are ancient techniques used by therapists of ancient cultures to treat diseases. The most famous of these are Hippocratic Medicine, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Reflexology, Acupuncture etc. All alternative therapies belong to the Holistic Therapies, ie they look at the cause, apart from the symptom and treat the problem holistically, with a lot of respect and of course, always centered on the patient.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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Pain treatment center in Kypseli. You will find us on the street Hydras 24. naturopathic Natural methods to improve disease Peritoneal (fascia) orgone accumulators SupplementsCategory: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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Takidis Nikolaos - Bioplasis Energy - Alternative Therapies Center Perea Thessaloniki - Alternative Treatments Thessaloniki - Reflexologist Peraia Thessaloniki
I was born in Athens. I am married, father of two children. From a very young age, I lost my father and I grew up in an orphanage. There I experienced human pain and I promised to myself if I could ever do something to relieve him. I studied reflexology and neurorelexology. I am an active member of the Association of Greek Reflexologists and a member of PASEMETH. I studied traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chronic pain and acupuncture. I continued and was certified in quantum therapy and herbal therapy. I completed my studies of physiotherapy and radiology and worked volunteer in rehabilitation centers as well as in nursing homes. I have attended many educational programs. I participate voluntarily in charity programs. I have studied colorectal hydrotherapy and have done seminars with certifications in psychology. Twenty-five years I have been working in an acupuncture medical center in the center of Thessaloniki. At the same time I keep my personal space in Pera Thessaloniki. My love for my fellow man was the reason for creating the Bioplasis Energy Reflexology Center, a place that honestly treats fellow human beings and aims at eliminating both physical and mental pain. To move forward and with no side effects add a smile to the lips of our fellow humans. Reflexology It is a specialty of complementary medicine that deals exclusively with the reflex points in the soles, hands, ears and the surrounding areas of the body, where by special pressures the reflexologist mobilizes the nerve endings encountered with the autonomic nervous system, which deals exclusively with the action of the internal organs of the organization. Reflexology may be the best solution for modern humans to stimulate immune (autoimmune diseases). Can Reflexology Help Quit Smoking? It has been shown that in this big problem reflexology responded and was rated by a large portion of our fellow people with a particularly good degree because it works in the cause of smoking, which is no different from anxiety. It can help athletes improve their performance and flight staff can fight off the jet lag with great success. Reflexology works with great success both in the physical and emotional sectors of the patient and let us not forget that oppressed emotions often become a precursor to serious illnesses. Nowadays it is generally accepted that many illnesses even incurable are caused or exacerbated by anxiety and oppressed or unresolved emotional problems. Where can reflexology help? It can help you take control of your life in your hands. Reflexology is suitable for: respiratory disorders disorders of the genital system endocrine system disorders nervous system disorders disorders of the circulatory system digestive disorders Reflexology works in parallel and complementary to classical medicine. It can be applied to people of all ages and has a positive effect on a wide range of conditions and in cases of severe pain and chronic conditions. It is suitable for musculoskeletal problems and also: disorders of the genital system digestive disorders nervous system disorders disorders of the circulatory system respiratory disorders endocrine system disorders headache anxiety somnolence androgenic problems depression abuses third Age newborn-age pregnancy mental problems Female 57 years old: Pathology: hypothyroidism, anxiety and depression, 3 nodules in the gland. Correction: session protocol was given, 1 session per week. The nodes have decreased and the patient is better. Female 55 years old: He visited me to reflexively manage anxiety, panic attacks, osteoporosis, thyroid nodules We began reflexologically to balance the body, to alkalize the body by acidic PH blood. We have set a session protocol twice a week. First success: the patient was relieved of panic attacks and continued for 6 months twice a week Second success: osteoporosis - osteopenia. Third success: decreased thyroid nodules Female 30 years old: Symptoms of polycystic ovaries and panic attacks Session protocol was given 12-14 sessions, 2-3 times a week. Result: In 100 calendar days, we cleaned the cysts. Pregnancy occurred and a healthy baby was born. Panic attacks have been cured. Reflexology: Relaxed approach to the patient: mainly counterparts. Pituitary, m. Ovaries, fallopian tubes Thyroid: v. Paraffin, e. Grid 50 years old man: Symptoms of daily rotary vertigo, with contiguous and intense tinnitus, abnormal falls with loss of consciousness. Drug treatment: V. Vomex reflexology sessions A session protocol was given, 20 sessions from the 9th session, vertigo decreased after 5 years, the recipient did not receive medication. He is well, he is sporting, he lives, he has a vision and life purpose. In the course of time, the receiver receives a reflexology session at least once a month and he certifies the value of reflexology. Neuro-Reflexology It is a therapeutic method that aims and aims to cope with pain and restore the functioning of the nervous system. It is implemented through manipulations by trained reflexologists at nerve endings on the treated. The initiator of neurorelexology is dr. Walter Froneberg, a chiropractor of an osteopathic who studied classical reflexology. He noticed that paraspinal muscles responded very quickly, deepened and convinced that they should have been related to the corresponding nerves. So he named the specific points neurorelexic signs. Through twenty years of specialized research, using magnetic resonance imaging and other diagnostic tools, he discovered new reflexology points for the entire peripheral autonomic, central nervous system. Ophthalmology It works very efficiently through the nervous system and the brain. Prophylaxis has very good results in patients with nerve paralysis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's. It has excellent results in sleep problems, neurological problems without side effects. Prophylaxis is applied to infants for colic therapy. Massage with suction cups: suction cups Objective: Deep tissue stimulation. It relieves inflammation, stimulates circulation. Rejuvance A special massage that aims to soothe the wrinkles, stimulates and regenerates the facial muscles. Give yourself a massage that will give you a luminosity and hydration on your face. It works like a natural lifting. Hot Stones - Relaxation and Well-being, Stimulation of the Nervous System The stones used are basalt, rock with special healing properties. It aims at deep muscle relaxation, alleviates stress, releases toxins, relieves pain, improves blood circulation. Detox - SPA: Dermatopathies, unpleasant odor, lymphatic congestion. Swelling of the upper and lower limbs. Swelling of the abdomen, hypertension. Elimination of toxins and restoration of health through alkalinisation of blood. Holistic massage: activates the whole human body, delaying old ageCategory: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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Teacher Reiki - Shamballa - Attica - Nationwide - Meditations - Therapies - Runner Reiki - Crystallotherapy - Anthiomas - Reiki Teaching
Reiki is an ancient energy healing technique, brought to light and developed in Japan by Buddhist monk Dr Mikao Usui (Mikao Usui). It is a technique based on the vital universal energy that flows to all living beings ... to this life-giving energy. Reiki is given by placing the hands of the therapist slightly above the body of the patient, who may feel the energy passing through him as a wave of warm or cold, feeling calm and calm. Reiki is used in more than 800 hospitals in the US and elsewhere, as it achieves deep relaxation of the patient to receive treatment easier, relieves pre-operative tension and anxiety, and aids faster recovery. In many countries, it is recommended as a complementary treatment to relieve stress, psychosomatic problems, pain and detoxification of the body. REKI'S TEACHING Usui Reiki, Komyo Reiki (levels 1, 2, 3A, 3B) Karuna ReikiR Lightarian ReikiTM (6 levels for Karuna Reiki teachers only) LightarianTM Empowerment Systems (Angelic LinkTM, Lightarian RaysTM) REIKI FOR RUNNERS As a marathon runner, long distance runner and track runner, I know very well the requirements of these sports both at the mental and physical level as well as at the technical level, as well as the need for self-management of the athlete's energy in the event of physical difficulty, mental fatigue, or adverse conditions to achieve its objective. As a result, I know that Reiki can help the athlete in the preparatory stage as well as during the race. SHAMBALLA Shamballa is an ethereal-spiritual state that is in a higher and purer dimension of non-earthly reality and existence. It is the heavenly abode of the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Light entities, of Highest Consciousness, Wisdom and Love. It is also the grounding of spirituality and superior competence, at all levels and in all areas. Crystallotherapy Crystallotherapy is a healing method known since ancient times. Crystals have lived on Earth for millions of years and therefore contain in their structure a universal knowledge, the knowledge of the Planet, since they are its composition. Treatments are made by placing crystals, crystal tincture, crystalline water. The number of treatments varies depending on the subject of one's psyche. BACH FLOWERS Anthropotherapy is an energy, alternative therapeutic method that uses anthropomies. In the process of treatment with Bach Anthromas, the therapist forms the profile of the patient through an extensive questionnaire to which he or she is asked to respond. Then, and on the basis of these answers, the appropriate flower arrangements are selected. The patient may need to undergo two or more treatment cycles until emotional balance is achieved and the effects are evident.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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Tsiros Theodoros - Center of Physical Health and Holistic Medicine Alimos - Reflexology Alimos - Electro Acupuncture Alimos Athens
Graduate of Physical Therapy Specialty in Traumatology and 15 years of service in sports clubs and rehabilitation centers. Specialization in Natural Alternative Sciences at NATURAL HEALTH SCIENCE COLLEGE, DIODOS ATHENS and MNT-NR INTERNATIONAL. Holder of Diplomas of Reflexology, Neuroreflexology, Manual Neuro Therapy, Electroacupuncture, Traditional Thai Yoga and Holistic Thai Yoga. Since May 2011 he has been running "MAY QI ROS HOLISTICS", a space of natural-alternative-complementary methods of dealing with the problems of modern man, through a more "holistic" look.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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Acutely, internationally, acupuncture is an excellent treatment without side effects. It is combined with medication and is also intended to stimulate the body as a preventive medicine.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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We are experiencing the transition of the Age. The New Word is emerging beyond our expectation, beyond our imagination, beyond the circumstances we are living. The Age of Experience, Knowledge and Expansion is coming. Often this transition is not easy. The rhythm of every day life speeds up , conditions become more complicated. We feel the pressure from the outside word. We are called to search our inner self, to learn our body, to listen to the messages from within. It’s time to feel our strength, to choose our beliefs and terms to align us with the reality we want to create, to our Infinity. Here you will find the holistic therapies and methods which help to gain health and balance in Mind, Body and Soul. Holistic Therapeutic Massage can be defined as the systematic and manual manipulation of the body’s soft tissue for therapeutic purposes promoting health and well-being. Holistic means 'whole'. So this form of massage deals with you as a 'whole', it is not just looking to treat the symptoms, but to establish the cause, whether it be internal or external.The massage helps taut muscles learn to relax and this, combined with strokes to aid lymphatic drainage, helps to release toxins. The benefits can be felt by all ages, backgrounds and lifestyles. Massage benefits are both mind and body. It is rare that we take an hour to lie down, close our eyes and just 'be'. On Site Massage:The magic of a chair massage is that it allows one to enjoy the benefits of a professional massage in a short time (15 minutes) while remaining fully clothed. The treatment is provided on the shoulders, head, neck, back, arms and hands while you are seated on a specially designed chair.Reduce stress and fatigue,restore energy and alertness,lower anxiety and tension,increase focus and attentionimprove state of mind and overall wellbeing Sound massage is a name for a special sound-therapy. Singing bowls are placed directly upon the clothes or within the health aura and are softly touched with a felt mallet. Calming sounds and soft vibrations generated by the bowls care for increasing wellness and effective and indeep relaxing ('sound-relaxation'). Sound massage harmonizing every single cell of our body, release of tensions and blockades of the body, experiences of an oscillating body free of weight, improvement of the body's own healing potential, positive influence on self consciousness, creative powers and inspiration. Sat Guru Charan: is a kind of reflexology where a trained therapist offers multidimensional therapy whilst in a state of meditation. Reflexology techniques are applied to areas of the feet, which house the reflexes that correspond to the inner organs, glands, spinal column and limbs as well as the energy points of the human anatomy. As a result, energy blocks are dissolved so that all the systems of the body as well as the mental psychology of the individual are brought to harmony. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects. You relax, fully clothed, on a couch or seated while the healer holds his hands on or above you. The energy flows wherever it is required (spiritually guided) and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience! Remedy Gymnastics is a system of exercises which combines contemporary dance, yoga, shaping elements. It's an aim to help the body to achive good posture, strength, flexibility and balance. Develops the ability to proper and conscious use of the body, providing relaxation and improves health and well being. Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan is designed to give you “hands on” experience of your highest consciousness. It teaches a method by which you can achieve the sacred purpose of your life. It is universal and nondenominational. The practice of Kundalini Yoga balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system, and enables us to harness the energy of the mind and the emotions, so we can be in control of ourselves, rather than being controlled by our thoughts and feelings.Category: ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES
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