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in: All Greece
Our company is activate since 1985 and is a family business, prοviding CONCRETE POLES for all kinds of agricultural cultivation and trade chain links and fencing wires. Soon, we are going also to produce Prestressed Anti-hail Concrete Poles and trade antihail accessories. Our long experience in this field in combination with the excellent and high strength materials we use, give us the ability to fully guarantee for our products. Besides, this is evidenced by our partnership with farmers throughout Greece, from Crete until Orestiada and abroad as Cyprus, Bulgaria Skopje, Albania. The concrete poles can be used for Palmettes to any kind of tree such as: - PLUM TREES - KIWIS TREES - VINEYARDS - PEARS TREES - APPLES TREES - PEACH TREES - CHERRY TREES - GOJI BERRIES - BLUEBERRIES - BLACKBERRIES etc. For example, if you choose free planting for cultivation Goji Berry you will leave 3,5-4,0m distance between the rows, and in this case you can put 120-130 plants per acre. If you choose planting Palmettes style, the distance between the rows will be 2,0-2,5m, therefore you will have twice plants per acre. The same happens with the other cultivations. Also, concrete poles can be used for anti-hail systems protection. The Anti-hail systems are very popular abroad. Now in our country, due to the increase of extreme weather events (hail, heavy rain, frost, etc.), anti-hail systems are necessary. The use of concrete poles in orchards has several advantages, among them: - More plants per acre. - Better quality production, because all fruits exposed the same to the sun (better price per kilo) - Faster and easier harvesting so less costs for wages . - Easy and rapid pruning. - 70% - 80% less sprayings. - Comfort movements between runways to be able to oversee better. So, better performance, greater economy and reduction in working hours.Category: CEMENT REPAIR
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