Πέμπτη 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 | 08:15 πμ

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  • PlanT-A Evros Agricultural Consulting - Agricultural Studies Services - Agricultural Consultants - Evros

      BALKANI IRINI He is an Agronomist-Researcher and graduated in 2002 from the Department of Agriculture of the School of Geotechnics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). Holder of a Master's Degree entitled "Sustainable Production Systems and Environment in Georgia" in the field of "Economics of Agricultural Products and Food Companies". Since 2006 he maintains a Design Office. She is the Coordinator in the company OSDE-IN "BALKANI IRINI & SIA OE", Certified Center Reception of Cultivation Declarations (KYD) by OPEKEPE and Certified Agencies Providing Agricultural Advisers (F.G. . Administrator in the Company "AGROBIOLOGIKI" which is active in the field of Geotechnical Studies and Certified Agricultural Consultant (GA).   Head of Didymoteicho area, Evros 25th of May 1, Didymoteicho, Evros Post Code: 68300 Telephone: 2554110204 Email: valkani@plant-a.gr                   Toutountzis Vassilios Born in Thessaloniki. He is an Agronomist, a graduate of the School of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, majoring in Food Science & Technology. He completed his studies at the University of Reading in Great Britain and specialized in Food Quality Assurance. Since 2011 he has settled in Didymoteicho and since 2015 with his associates they deal with all the studies and programs related to the modernization and support of the Agricultural Holdings. Since 2021, he is a Certified Agricultural Consultant. Head of Didymoteicho & North Evros area Nikis 60 Tychero 68003, Tel: 2553022200 Email: toutountzis@plant-a.gr                         Stefanos Christoudis   He was born in Thessaloniki and grew up in Orestiada. He graduated from the Department of Psychology of the Department of Psychology of the University of Ioannina in 2004. Then, in 2009, completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands and more specifically in the Department of Economic Psychology. Finally, in 2020 he graduated from the Master of Business Administration of IST College. From 2015 until today it is engaged in the marketing of agricultural products and animal feed. At the same time, in 2019 he created the company Opores, which aims to promote and highlight products of the primary sector of Evros, having managed, from the first years of its operation, to enter into partnerships with the largest chains markets in Greece and abroad. Head of North Evros - Orestiada area Neochori, Orestiada 68200 / Evros Telephone: 2552303077 Email: christoudis@plant-a.gr      


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    Evros - Didymoteicho