Companies Catalog

in: All Greece
Operation for years is Tasos Sfakianakis. Our business started in the 1999 loading industry with passion and passion for serving the needs of cargo freight, making the 'impossible' of our client 'impossible'. Then, taking into account the increasing needs of any business operating in any industry, our business in 2003 acquired a crane vehicle with the immediate effect of the highest fullness of machinery that is capable of carrying out a large volume of tasks. In 2007 we went one more step by acquiring another crane larger lifting vehicle, thus making every work possible giving our customers a sense of immediacy and confidence in completing each project. To date, we have not stopped evolving in the crane industry by following the needs of the market with the most up -to -date machinery. Our machinery and we also meet all the necessary specifications on security. We meet all your needs to raise all kinds of objects with the warranty of our many years of experience, safely and speeding all over Crete. The "TASOS SFAKIANAKIS TASSIANS" attribute the most to the domestic market with the ultimate years of experience and our main concern is our safety, efficiency, speed, immediate response and reliability that our company offers you. Call us today and we will be happy to give you the best possible solution and the best market price.Category: CRANES – CLARK
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CHARVALAS DIMITRIOS Cranes - Transport - Lifting - Forklift - Basket cranes
The company Harvalas Dimitris, based in Volos, is active in the field of crane transport and serves by arrangement throughout the prefecture of Magnesia. Undertakes all kinds of machine work, lifting work, loading and unloading, basket trucks. The company Harvalas Dimitris is also engaged in the lifting and launching of boats of all types and yachts. The services of Geranoi - Harvala Transport D .: cranes volos-cranes magnesia- lifting machines volos- lifting machines magnesia- transport with lifting machines volos- transport with lifting machines magnesia- clark volos-clark magnesia- loaders magosia magnesia- boat lifts volos- boat lifts magnesia- boat transports volos- boat transports magnesia The goal of the company is the immediate customer service by the specialized staff in an economical way. Contact 690.660.4700 and 694.469.9914 for your own transfer. cranes volos, magnesia - loading and unloading volos, magnesia transport with lifting machines volos, magnesia - boat transport volos, magnesiaCategory: CRANES – CLARK
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Clark trade, clark repair, repairs of hoists, Moschato. Long-term experience, guaranteed work. Low prices.Category: CRANES – CLARK
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Cranes - Lifting Equipment - Clark - Roadside Assistance, Tasiopoulos Xenophon, Ioannina
The company TASIOPOULOS XENOFON is based in Ioannina since 2001 and is active in the field of lifting cranes. The many years of experience, consistency and excellent equipment make us the first of our kind and always competitive. We strive for the perfect service to our customers, economically and quickly with our technological resources and our well trained staff. SERVICES Cranes Hoists Lifting machine Clark Truck with crane Rental of cranes Lifting operations Roadside assistance We undertake all kinds of lifting work, as well as transporting and installing heavy equipment in any area, even where the lifting equipment can not be helped. We respond directly to your every need, economically and quickly 24 hours a day. WE ARE SERVING ALL THE IOANNINA LAW. Yours sincerely Tassiopoulos Xenophon 10th km of Ioannina - Igoumenitsa, Ioannina Phone: 2651062437 Mobile: 6977584921 E-mail: Responsible: TASIOPOULOS XENOFONCategory: CRANES – CLARK
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Cranes Fanis Ioannina - Ioannina Crane Transportation Services - Ioannina Dangerous Tree Pruning - Ioannina Crane Rentals
Fanis Pappas has been based in IOANNINA - Epirus for many years and is active in the field of crane-lifting and transport. Our many years of experience, consistency and state-of-the-art equipment, combined with our experienced staff, are what make us the first of our kind and always competitive. We undertake loading, transportation and installation of machinery, solid objects, goods and building materials etc. Our equipment is in excellent condition, with regular maintenance checks SERVICES Cranes IOANNINA - Epirus Elevations IOANNINA - Epirus Clark Truck with crane Balcony Lifting machine Cutting down trees Our flawless organization in terms of safety, speed and affordability ensures a proper cooperation. SERVICE WHERE WE ARE REQUESTED. Yours sincerely, Fanis Ioannina Cranes, Ioannina Crane Transportation Services, Ioannina Dangerous Tree Pruning, Ioannina Crane Rentals, Ioannina Crane Transportation Services, Ioannina Cruiser, Ioannina Cruiser RentalsCategory: CRANES – CLARK
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Cranes Lamia - Lifting Machines Lamia - MAVROUDIS - Transportation - Removals - Crane Transportation - Vehicle Rental - Earthmoving Lamia
MAVROUDIS Cranes Lamia - Lifting Machines Lamia Our company "MAVROUDIS" which is located in Lamia, is active in the field of transport and cranes offering quality and financial services. With more than 30 years of experience in the field of lifting and transport, our company, always guided by safety and quality of services, has established itself dynamically in the modern market with its own fleet of vehicles and cranes covering the needs of even the most demanding customer. . Contact us to discuss your needs. We directly serve Lamia, all over Greece, while we also undertake special transports abroad.Category: CRANES – CLARK
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EFSTATHIOU DIMITRIOS - TZIMIS is based in KORINTHO - KORINTHIA and is active in the field of cranes - lifting. Our many years of experience, advanced training and state-of-the-art equipment guarantee our customers high quality and safety. We undertake loading, transportation and installation of goods, machinery, heavy objects, building materials etc. Our equipment is in excellent condition, with regular checks. We also have specialized staff that guarantee the high level of service we provide. SERVICES CORINTHOS - CORINTHIA Cranes Elevations CORINTHOS - CORINTHIA Crane trucks Trucks with parrot Transportation of goods by crane Cartoon Lifting machine Clark Transport of vessels Crane transport Cutting - pruning of trees etc. Our top priority is very good prices and the safety of your goods. Each transfer is planned and coordinated according to the needs of each client. SERVING CORINTH AND ALL CORINTH Yours sincerely, Efstathiou DimitriosCategory: CRANES – CLARK
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Englezos Konstantinos - Lifts - Pallet Trucks - Maintenance Repair - Electric Clarks Kalochori Thessaloniki Service Clarks - Forklift Technical Support
Our company, for 25 years, deals and is active in the field of lifting equipment, clerks and cranes. Trade, repair and maintenance of electric lifting machines of the most famous German companies. We remain constantly informed and technically trained, with the aim of proper and guaranteed customer service. With the after sales of our company being synonymous with quality and reliability, we can accompany all our used lifting machines with a 6-month written guarantee.Category: CRANES – CLARK
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I. KATSANTONIS & K. KATSANTONIS OE. | Cranes & Basket Carriers Ilia - Cleaning Lands & Forests Ilia
Ι. ΚΑΤΣΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ & Κ. ΚΑΤΣΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ Ο.Ε. Γερανοί & Καλαθοφόρα Ηλεία - Καθαρισμοί Οικοπέδων & Δασών Ηλεία Η επιχείρησή μας “Ι. ΚΑΤΣΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ & Κ. ΚΑΤΣΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ Ο.Ε.” η οποία βρίσκεται στην Ηλεία και πιο συγκεκριμένα στην περιοχή Πανόπουλο, είναι δίπλα σας εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια, προσφέροντάς σας ποιοτικές υπηρεσίες και άριστη εξυπηρέτηση, σε ανταγωνιστικές τιμές. Διαθέτοντας ένα σύγχρονο στόλο που αποτελείται από γερανούς με παπαγαλάκι, εξειδικευμένους χειριστές καθώς και διάφορα μηχανήματα, μπορούμε να αναλάβουμε ανυψώσεις και μεταφορές αντικειμένων με γερανούς και καλαθοφόρα οχήματα, τον καθαρισμό οικοπέδων και δασών, καθώς και καθαρισμούς φωτοβολταϊκών. ΜΕ ΣΥΝΕΠΕΙΑ & ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΣΜΟ μπορούμε να καλύψουμε κάθε σας ανάγκη για ανύψωση με τους γερανούς μας αλλά και εκφόρτωση βαρέων αντικειμένων και παντός είδους φορτίου, ενώ με τα καλαθοφόρα οχήματά μας μπορούμε να σας εξυπηρετήσουμε για εργασίες σε ψηλά και δυσπρόσιτα σημεία. Παράλληλα, μπορούμε να αναλάβουμε τον καθαρισμό οικοπέδων και δασών καθώς και τον καθαρισμό φωτοβολταϊκών σε όλη την Ηλεία, την Αχαΐα και την Αττική, δίνοντας έμφαση ακόμα και στην πιο μικρή λεπτομέρεια. ΤΟ ΕΜΠΕΙΡΟ & ΕΞΕΙΔΙΚΕΥΜΕΝΟ προσωπικό μας, είναι στην διάθεσή σας και πάντα έτοιμο να ακούσει τις ανάγκες σας και να σας προτείνει τις καλύτερες λύσεις για οποιαδήποτε σχετική εργασία επιθυμείτε να πραγματοποιήσετε. Εξυπηρετούμε την Ηλεία, την Αχαΐα και όλη την Αττική ΕΙΜΑΣΤΕ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗ ΣΑΣ Όλα αυτά τα χρόνια που δραστηριοποιούμαστε στο χώρο, έχουμε αναλάβει και φέρει σε πέρας ένα μεγάλο αριθμό εργασιών δύνοντας πάντα βάση στην ασφάλεια, την άμεση αλλά και άψογη εξυπηρέτηση κάθε πελάτη. Στόχος μας είναι αφενός η άριστη εξυπηρέτηση κάθε πελάτη και αφετέρου ο διαρκής εκσυγχρονισμός μας, προκειμένου να μπορούμε να καλύψουμε οποιαδήποτε σχετική σας ανάγκη ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΗΣΤΕ ΜΑΖΙ ΜΑΣ για οποιαδήποτε οποιαδήποτε από τις παραπάνω εργασίες επιθυμείτε να πραγματοποιήσετε και να είστε σίγουροι ότι θα λάβετε άμεση και σωστή εξυπηρέτηση. Εξυπηρετούμε άμεσα την Ηλεία, την Αχαΐα και την Αττική.Category: CRANES – CLARK
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Logothetis Cranes | Cranes - Loading - Unloading Bulk Cargo Ship, Site Services & Port Works
LOGOTHETIS CRANES Cranes - Loading - Landing Ships, Site Services & Port Works Our company "Logothetis Cranes" has been active for several years in the field of cranes and with loading - unloading of ships specializing in bulk cargo. It offers quality, safe and complete services for every job required cranes. Having the appropriate fleet consisting of track cranes, their equipment and various vehicles, it can undertake and carry out loading - unloading of ships, construction services, port projects, etc. At the same time, it is active in the purchase and sale of cranes as well as their spare parts. The highly trained and specialized operators of our cranes, in combination with our many years of experience in the field of cranes, guarantee you the best results and your immediate service with nationwide coverage. EXPERIENCE & PROFESSIONALISM Thanks to the appropriate fleet and our experience we can undertake and carry out all kinds of work that cranes need. Aiming at the impeccable and correct service of each customer, our company offers its services always guided by safety, responsibility and fast service. The growing demands of the times always motivate us not to stop investing in new human resources and the necessary equipment. Through our many years of experience in the field of cranes, our professionalism and the execution of complex projects with cranes, we have established ourselves in our industry as a responsible and consistent partner where every large company trusts for long-term collaborations. CONTACT US to discuss your needs and suggest the ideal solution for any crane job you wish to carry out. We serve all of Greece by arrangement.Category: CRANES – CLARK
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Mastoras Lift - Athens, Attica
Mastoras Lift Lifting Machine & Forklift Rentals, Loading & Unloading Services | Glyka Nera, Attica Mastoras Lift combines the 25-years experience with todays requirements in the field of lifting equipment and loading-unloading services. We aim to offer you high quality services in competitive prices and within specified timetables. To achive this goal, our company utilises modern fleet of forklofts up to 8 tones, handled by experienced handlers. With honor, Kostas Mastoras. Forklift rentals, crane rentals, crane bridge rentals, loading and unloading services, forklift transfers all over Glyka Nera and Attica. We'll be happy to collaborate with you, MASTORAS LIFTCategory: CRANES – CLARK
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Venizelos - Cranes Ano Liosia Attica - Clark - Lifts - Transportation Removals - Kapetanakis Georgios
With a long-standing presence in the field, our company since 1950 undertakes all kinds of transportation - removals, attractions and lifts, always with consistency, professionalism and respect for the customer. With us you can be sure that your items will reach their destination quickly and safely. Immediate service - safe transport. Quality - Economy - Reliability Our guarantee is our satisfied customers who recommend and re-prefer us.Category: CRANES – CLARK
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