Σάββατο 18 Ιανουαρίου 2025 | 12:07 μμ

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  • Anna Kougioumtsidou Obstetrician of Lagada - Polichni Thessaloniki - Surgeon Gynecologist Meteora Polichni - Neapoli

    2nd doctor's office: Nick. Papageorgiou 13, Lagadas, Thessaloniki, tel. 2394301361 Obstetrician-Gynecologist Surgeon Anna Kougioumtsidou has completed the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Papageorgiou General Hospital in Thessaloniki and maintains her clinics in Polichni (Meteora Square) and Lagada in Thessaloniki. Opening hours Meteora Polichnis: Wednesday - Friday: 17:00 - 21:00 Lagadas: Monday - Thursday: 17:00 - 21:00, Wednesday: 10:00 - 14:00 The services it offers in its clinics are as follows: Prenatal screening Pregnancy monitoring High risk pregnancy Birth Contraception Breast examination Infertility investigation Ultrasound Papanicolaou test Cervical pathology - Warts Urinary incontinence Gynecological surgeries Hysteroscopy / Laparoscopy Menopause - Osteoporosis


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    Messinis 5, Polichni - Neapoli Thessaloniki
  • Christos Theodoridis - Obstetrician Serres - Surgeon Gynecologist Serres - Laparoscopy - Hysteroscopy Serres - Colposcopy - Pap Test - Breast Check - Infertility

    Gynecologist & Obstetrician Surgeon Christos Theodoridis maintains his clinic in Serres, has state-of-the-art equipment, monitors medical developments and provides integrated gynecological services, with his primary focus on building a meaningful relationship with women. She is next to the woman, with modern means of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, special care and deep knowledge, excellent training and high level of expertise. With respect to the woman, she provides her patients with confidence, performs gynecological and obstetric ultrasound, performs complete gynecological assessment, applies modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and inspires complete confidence and safety. Trust the doctor and do not hesitate to contact him for any gynecological issues you may have. Services: Pap test Ultrasound Ultrasound of the Matrix, Ovary, Breast Colposcopy - Biopsy Cervical Pathology Laparoscopy Hysteroscopy Preventive vaccination for cervical cancer Control - Breastfeeding Complete gynecological examination Infertility Prenatal checkup Surgical procedures Issues that concern women: Warts Vaginitis Endometriosis Contraceptive methods (pill, spiral, etc.) Polycystic ovaries Fibroids Matrix Polyps Climacteric - Menopause Osteoporosis


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    6, Thessalonikis Str. - Serres town
  • Dimitrakopoulos Ioannis Obstetrician - Gynecologist Glyfada - Fertility Center - Gynecology Glyfada

    Rejuvenation Rejuvenation and Tightening of Vagina, Treatment of vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy, Orgasmic Shot (improving the sensation during intercourse and the sensation of orgasm) Treatment of minor urinary incontinence directly without surgery and without side effects. Dr. Dimitrakopoulos Ioannis writes Obstetrician Surgeon Gynaecologist MSc (Master) in Aesthetic Medicine and Aesthetic Therapies University of Camerino Italy with specialization in Bloodless Aesthetic Gynecology Member of SAMNAS (Society of Aesthetic Medicine and Bloodless Surgery) Clinic Address: Gounari 196 Glyfada Tel.: 210 6716126   The modern applications of bloodless aesthetic gynecology enable us to deal directly without surgery and without side effects, problems that concern a large percentage of women and may arise mainly due to the normal process of aging, or due to childbirth, or trauma or menopause or hormonal problems, achieving the following: Vaginal tightening (treatment of vaginal relaxation, or vaginal and pelvic floor hypotonia) Vaginal revitalization – Treatment of vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy Whitening (treatment of dark spots and discoloration) Vulvoplasty (Restoration of the symmetry of the volume and firmness of the vagina and vulva) Orgasmic Shot – Restoration of the sensitivity of the points that contribute to the female orgasm and especially the “O SPOT” or “G SPOT” using Hyaluronic and PRP, resulting in the improvement of sensation during contact and the sensation of orgasm. stronger sense of orgasm, more frequent orgasms, increased sexual desire and increased sense of vaginal orgasm. Treatment of minor urinary incontinence, wound healing or scars after childbirth injuries or surgeries repair of ruptures of the vagina, vulva or perineum recovery of stretch marks Complete aesthetic and functional renewal includes restoring shape, symmetry, volume, elasticity, firmness, tone, hydration, increasing natural lubrication, treating pigmentation and discoloration, treating tears, scars or stretch marks ( due to childbirth, trauma, episiotomy), the improvement of the aesthetic result and the treatment of any discomfort or pain. Improving the sense of orgasm is a very important goal that we must not neglect when we seek complete aesthetic and functional renewal. It is achieved by restoring the points that contribute to the female orgasm that may show reduced sensitivity with age, due to hormonal disorders of trauma or childbirth. Results: stronger sense of orgasm, more frequent orgasms, increased sexual desire and increased sense of vaginal orgasm. Our goal is complete functional restoration and not just partial aesthetic improvement and functional repair. We provide you with complete rejuvenation services from A to Z in cosmetic gynecology. According to the peculiarities of each woman, we address the causes of the problem with personalized combination protocols, pronouncing the appropriate solution in each case so that you can complete the piece of the puzzle for confidence and comfort. Non-surgical Aesthetic Gynecology treatments and techniques   INTRODUCTION In recent decades, there has been a high and ever-increasing demand for aesthetic gynecology treatments, due to new developments in aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery. Aesthetic gynecology is now an important field of modern medical practice that attracts specialized doctors from the fields of Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Urology, Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine who apply both surgical and non-surgical treatments. Non-surgical aesthetic gynecology has as its object the renewal of the female sexual organs, the restoration of their form and functionality and the treatment of possible orgasmic/sexual disorders by applying non-surgical treatments with immediate and long-lasting results. Non-surgical cosmetic gynecology treatments can be safely performed in the office in minutes and do not require general anesthesia or hospitalization. Therefore the recovery time, the total cost and the suffering of the patient are minimal. Usually the recovery period is very short (a few minutes or a few hours) and usually patients are able to return to their daily activities immediately. Potential complications are negligible, as is pain or discomfort to the patient during treatment or the short recovery period. During the last decades, with the new developments in cosmetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, we achieve excellent cosmetic results concerning women who are going through the seventh, eighth, and ninth decade of their life. We can refer to many examples of more or less famous women with wonderful faces and bodies that look much better than decades ago. An aesthetically perfect face or body should be matched with aesthetically and functionally perfect sexual organs and this is the reason for the great and ever-increasing demand for aesthetic gynecology treatments. In Europe the average menopause starts at 52 years, so women in Europe spend about 40% of their life in menopause. These are creative years on a personal, social and professional level, during which many women take new steps in their lives and look great. In relation to the sexual organs, aesthetic perfection must be combined with perfect functionality and therefore no aesthetic gynecology intervention is complete if it is not accompanied by functional restoration. The aesthetic and functional perfection of the female sexual organs can be lost due to factors such as aging, hormonal disorders, trauma or childbirth. The purpose of non-surgical aesthetic gynecology is to restore the form and functionality of the female sexual organs, with the aim not only of cosmetic repair but also of the full restoration of the functionality of the above and the treatment of any sexual/orgasmic disorders. Treatment of female sexual/orgasmic disorders According to studies concerning the USA about 50% of women suffer from some kind of sexual dysfunction. The percentages are the same in Greece. The above cases include lack of sexual desire, lack of sexual arousal, the inability to achieve orgasm and pain during intercourse. These problems are usually due to or coexist with other problems of the female genital organs such as vaginal relaxation or sagging due to childbirth, hormonal problems or due to the natural aging process, vaginal atrophy, usually due to menopause or hormonal problems, urinary incontinence The female orgasmic system is not only about organs such as the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. For orgasm to occur, a sequence beginning with sexual desire, which leads to sexual arousal and orgasm which when achieved fuels new sexual desire. When this sequence is interrupted due to pain, sexual dysfunctions arise which can be of 5 types: The disorder of reduced sexual desire in women. The disorder of decreased sexual arousal in women Disorders of female orgasm. Dyspareunia. Cholespasm. Statistical data show that the above disorders concern large percentages of women. For example, we mention that: 40% of women suffer from sexual dysfunctions to an extent that causes them psychological problems. Also 20% of women have never had an orgasm. 5% of women in their twenties suffer from urinary incontinence which causes them hygiene problems and this percentage increases to 50% of women in their 60s. Urinary incontinence is the main reason why elderly women resort to nursing homes. The treatment of sexual-orgasmic disorders must include the support of sexual health and health in general, the possible management of pain symptoms, hormonal restoration and general restoration of the body's biochemistry. Therefore, the treatment of sexual dysfunctions in women should include: treatment of the causes that cause pain during intercourse, balancing hormones, general health support, solving health problems and communication in order to solve the psychological and social background of sexual dysfunctions. In no case should we underestimate the important role of hormones and hormone therapy in relation to the above problems. Non-surgical aesthetic Gynecology treatments Today we have a large number of non-surgical aesthetic gynecology treatments, which can be used either individually or in combination depending on the problem to be treated and the particularities of each patient, with the aim of complete aesthetic and functional renewal and not just an aesthetic improvement or functional renewal of the female genitalia. The complete renewal of the female sexual organs includes: Aesthetic renewal and repair Of the shape Of symmetry Of the volume Of elasticity Of the tuna Hydration The texture The normal color of the external genitalia. Treatment of vulvar atrophy. Treatment of atrial fibrillation - relaxation Treatment of vaginal dryness Repair of stretch marks or scars that can cause discomfort, pain in naturally moist tissues. It is particularly well tolerated when we use temperature-controlled RF, which should be 40-45 degrees Celsius in the tissues. In this way, collagen degradation and tissue tightening are achieved. When the collagen fibers are heated they contract and this causes the collagen triple helix to fold and the collagen fibers become shorter and thicker resulting in immediate tissue tightening after treatment. The phenomenon of new elastin production, an almost unique characteristic of RF treatments, plays a very important role in the effectiveness of relaxation treatments. In addition, local hyperemia is noted after RF treatments, which contributes to the reduction of vaginal dryness due to vulvovaginal atrophy and helps to improve sensation during intercourse. Finally, vaginal RF applications contribute to the treatment of minor urinary incontinence due to tightening of the connective tissue and increasing the tone of the urogenital area.   Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): Autologous PRP has been used since 1987 in open heart surgery. For more than 20 years, it has been used in the healing of wounds and burns, in orthopedics, in dentistry, in the rehabilitation of spinal diseases, and of course in aesthetic medicine. PRP contains high amounts of growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor, transforming growth factor beta and epidermal growth factor. It has no antigenic properties because it is autologous and no side effects have been noted from its use. In non-surgical aesthetic gynecology, it is used, among other things, for the treatment of female sexual-orgasmic disorders, for the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy and dryness, and a small degree of urinary incontinence, as well as for the treatment of Lichen Sclerosis (chronic pruritic inflammatory skin disease). G Spot Augmentation: In 1950, the German gynecologist Grafenberg described an erotic zone on the anterior wall of the vagina along the urethra. Since then, many medical articles have been published on the subject, and in 1981 that area was named the G-spot in his honor. The area is a neurovascular complex and is considered the activation center of the vaginal orgasm. G-spot augmentation can be achieved with heterologous fillers such as collagen and hyaluronic acid or autologous such as fat grafting which cause swelling and greater irritation of the area upon contact.   The Orgasmic Shot (“O” shot) This is a treatment achieved by injecting PRP into the area of ​​the O SPOT or G SPOT. In this way, the secretion of growth factors is achieved, resulting in the repair, reprogramming and renewal of the tissue. The recorded results of O SHOT are: stronger sense of orgasm, more frequent orgasms, increased sexual desire and increased feeling of vaginal orgasm. In cases of women who have never had a vaginal orgasm very often after the O SHOT they feel vaginal orgasms for the first time. Other women who had vaginal orgasms but no longer have them, very often after O SHOT feel vaginal orgasms again, while this other woman's feeling of vaginal orgasm is more frequent and intense after OSHOT. Loss of sensation is not easy to measure but often causes sexual problems, so when a woman reports relief from some sexual problems it usually means that the sensation of her sexual organs has improved. Increased elasticity and tone in the vagina Reduction of discomfort or pain during intercourse Increased lubrication and hydration of the vagina Improvement or treatment of vaginal dryness and atrophy Balancing the flora and pH of the vagina. Improvement or treatment of vulvocopulitis especially in cases of mild chronic recurrent vaginitis. Disturbing symptoms such as abnormal foul-smelling vaginal discharge, irritation, itching and burning are improved or cured after the “O” Shot. Improvement or treatment of minor urinary incontinence.   Ioannis K. Dimitrakopoulos   Obstetrician – Surgeon – Gynecologist   Master of Aesthetic Medicine – Bloodless Aesthetic Gynecology – Regenerative Medicine and Bloodless Surgery   Tel.: 210 6716126 Mobile: 6985 64 64 10 e-mail ikdmd@hotmail.com   Clinic: 196 Dimitriou Gounari Ave. Glyfada P.O. 166 74   Personalized application of innovative medical techniques at the service of the modern woman.   Gynecology - Obstetrics - Individualized Investigation and Treatment of Male and Female Infertility - Assisted Reproduction - Epigenetics - Applied Gynecological Biochemistry - Endocrinology - Micronutrient and Medical Nutrition in Pregnancy, Infertility and Gynecology - Partner of Obstetrics "Mother" and "Leto" - Member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine and Bloodless Surgery (SAMNAS)   Ioannis K. Dimitrakopoulos   Obstetrician - Surgeon - Gynecologist   Master of Aesthetic Medicine - Bloodless Aesthetic Gynecology - Regenerative Medicine and Bloodless Surgery   Tel.: 210 6716126 Mobile: 6985 64 64 10 e-mail ikdmd@hotmail.com   Clinic: 196 Dimitriou Gounari Ave. Glyfada P.O. 166 74   Personalized application of innovative medical techniques at the service of the modern woman.   Gynecology - Obstetrics - Individualized Investigation and Treatment of Male and Female Infertility - Assisted Reproduction - Epigenetics - Applied Gynecological Biochemistry - Endocrinology - Micronutrient and Medical Nutrition in Pregnancy, Infertility and Gynecology - Partner of Obstetrics "Mother" and "Leto" - Member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine and Bloodless Surgery (SAMNAS)    


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    196, Dimitriou Gounari Str - Glifada

    I welcome you to the Laparoscopy Center of Athens. We are a specialized team of gynecological laparoscopic surgeons, with many years of experience in large centers in Greece and abroad. We have performed thousands of laparoscopic and hysteroscopic operations, with pioneering techniques and excellent results, while our team members are instructors in the laparoscopic surgery method in Greece and in training centers abroad. 25 years of pioneering laparoscopic surgery We bring technology to the service of medicine Surgical experience with more than 6000 laparoscopies Experience in all gynecological procedures All gynecological surgeries can be performed laparoscopically Get informed properly and responsibly. Your health deserves it. Surgeries performed Diagnostic laparoscopy for pain Laparoscopic removal of ectopic pregnancy Laparoscopic removal of an ovarian cyst Laparoscopic removal of fibroids Laparoscopic hysterectomy Laparoscopic oncology Laparoscopic suspension in uterine-vaginal prolapse Laparoscopic management of urinary incontinence Laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis Diagnostic hysteroscopy Hysteroscopic removal of fibroids Hysteroscopic polyp removal Hysteroscopic removal of uterine septum Hysteroscopic treatment of heavy periods For more information visit the website: www.endogynecology.gr Ioannis Koutoukos, Obstetrician - Gynecologist


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    VASILIS SOFIA 48 - Ilissia
  • Evangelia Marangoudaki - Obstetrician Piraeus - Surgeon Gynecologist Piraeus

    The obstetrician-gynecologist Maragoudaki Eva: - Graduated from the General High School of Rethymno - Received a degree from the Medical School of the University of Crete Heraklion 1995 - Agricultural in the Bay of Korthio 1996-1997 - General Surgery Giannio Hospital 1997-1998 - Oncology Gynecology GNPMetaxa - Obstetrics GNPG State of Nice - Her office is located in Piraeus since 2006 and is collaborating with IASO & REA maternity hospitals She is a mother of three children He is a member of: - Panhellenic Medical Association - Medical Association of Piraeus - Hellenic Obstetrics and Gynecology Society - Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy - Hellenic Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology - Hellenic Society of Gynecological Endocrinology - ESGE (European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy) - E.S.A.G. (European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology) - ISUOG (The International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology) SCIENTIFIC WORK scientific projects Dr. Evangelia Maragoudaki has presented the following scientific papers at conferences: EC ILEOS OF CANCER TUMOR OF THE COLON WITH LOCATION IN THE BALL GALLERY 7th Panhellenic Surgical Conference,


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    Hroon Polytexniou 67 - Pireas
  • Evangelinakis Nikolaos MD, MSc, PhD - Obstetrician - Gynecologist Surgeon Ilion Athens - Academic Fellow of the University of Athens Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinic

    Evangelinakis Nikolaos is a graduate of the Athens Medical School after being admitted through Pan-Hellenic examinations. She received her Master's Degree in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Attikon University Hospital and received her Master of Science (MSc) in Pathology after two years of study. He supported his Doctoral Thesis in 2013 with a special focus on early childbirth for which he received an "Excellent" and was awarded a Doctorate of the University of Athens Medical School. Currently, he is an Academic Fellow of the University of Athens's 3rd Obstetrics & Gynecology Clinic in the High Risk Pregnancy Department and the Embryonic Medicine Unit, a member of the Endometrial Surgery Team, teaching in the Postgraduate Program in Postgraduate Studies, . He has been a coordinating researcher for the PGN. Atticon in the pan-European multicenter ASPRE study conducted under the auspices of Professor K. Nicolaides' Fetal Medicine Foundation, which has changed the world-wide data on the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia and placental insufficiency. In his private clinic he provides specialized services that cover the full spectrum of Obstetrics & Gynecology.   Experience High Risk Pregnancy - Preeclampsia - Early Childbirth, Gynecological Endocrinology & Menopause - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Infertility - Endometriosis, HPV infection - Colposcopy


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    Athinas 34 - Ilion
  • Gynecological Surgeon Peristeri Athens - Stefanou Paraskevi

    Mrs Stephanou Paraskevi's gynecological clinic is located in Peristeri at 210 Thivon Ave (opposite Anthoupolis Metro). B 's office in Syros - Ermoupoli at 17 George Papandreou Street, is open Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday. The clinic provides comprehensive care to a woman of all ages and provides solutions to her problems and questions. It is equipped with state-of-the-art technological media. The services of the clinic are: Gynecological examinations Pap test, breast examination High-risk pregnancy monitoring Prenatal screening Ultrasound Infertility Menopause Ms. Stefanou has been educated at the Kapodistrian University of Athens on high risk pregnancy. The doctor accepts you by appointment Find us on Facebook: Gynecological Obstetrics Clinic Ermoupoli Syros Gynecologist Surgeon Dove Athens, Obstetrician Dove Athens, Infertility Check Dove Athens, Check Up Woman Pigeon Athens, PAP Test Dove Athens, Surgeon Gynecologist Syros, Obstetrician Syros, Infertility Check Up,


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    210 Thivon Avenue, Opposite Anthoupolis Metro - Peristeri

    Gynecologist in Athens


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    11 AGORAKRITOY STR. - Athens
    6944741193, 6974441106
  • Gynecologist Igoumenitsa Thesprotia - KATSARI SOFIA - Gynecological Examination Igoumenitsa Thesprotia - Pap Test Igoumenitsa - Breast Examiner Igoumenitsa - Infertility Igoumenitsa - Menopause Igoumenitsa - Cervical Pathology Igoumenitsa - Obstetrician

    Ms Katsari Sofia is an Obstetrician - Gynecologist Surgeon in Igoumenitsa and her office is located at 16A Ethnikis Antistaseos Street.   OBSTETRICIAN   Midwifery is a profession that belongs to the medical sciences and deals with with pregnancy childbirth the sergeant the care of the newborn   Pregnancy During pregnancy, tests are performed on the pregnant woman every trimester, for 3 trimesters. The first trimester exams vary from country to country. A Pap test and general urine examination, blood tests, etc. are performed. Previous pregnancies are also taken into account and the family, social and medical history is discussed. It is also possible to do an ultrasound examination during the first trimester to calculate the estimated date of delivery. In the second trimester, the pregnant woman visits the midwife on a monthly basis or more often if deemed necessary. Pregnancy issues such as fatigue, heartburn, varicose veins and other common problems such as back pain will be discussed. The midwife measures the pregnant woman's abdomen to see if the fetus is developing normally. Additional examinations are performed at the demonstration of the midwife, if she deems it necessary. In the third trimester, the pregnant woman visits the midwife every two weeks until the 36th week. Weight and blood pressure are checked and abdominal measurements are taken. In addition, the uterine abdomen is palpated to determine the position of the fetus. Birth Midwives are qualified to assist in a normal breech delivery, assist the baby when it is fully born, and cut the umbilical cord unless requested by the father. Childbed For women who gave birth in a maternity ward, the minimum stay for follow-up is 6 hours. Care Within the community, the midwife visits the woman until the tenth day. This does not mean that she sees the woman and the infant every day but that she cannot release them from her care until at least the tenth day. In the modern clinic of Ms. Katsari Sofia, all prescribed examinations are always carried out with validity and respect for the pregnant woman


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    National Resistance 16 A - Igoumenitsa

    gynecologist, gynecologists cozani - extracorporeal cozani - Pap test Athanasios Siozos, after primary and secondary education in Kozani, was first admitted in 1995 (with pan-Hellenic exams) to the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In 2001 he got his degree in Medicine and in 2002 he started the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Great Britain where he remained for ten years. During this time, she had the opportunity to train alongside great professors and came into contact with the newest developments in Obstetrics and Gynecology by participating in over 50 training seminars across the spectrum of the specialty. He became an official member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Great Britain (Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists – MRCOG) in 2007. Members of the College become gynecologists after double written and oral examinations. After the end of the main specialty, he worked for a year exclusively in the treatment of infertility and IVF methods at the internationally renowned Guy's & St.Thomas' Hospital in London alongside the famous reproduction specialists Yacoub Khalaf and Tarek El Toukhy. As a result of this specialisation, he was awarded by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists the recognized full training diploma in Infertility ATSM infertility. In the same hospital he was trained in ultrasound salpingography or ultrasound salpingography, which has replaced classic salpingography in the largest infertility centers abroad (for more information, there is the relevant website: www.salpingografia.com) In addition, he specialized in the entire range of obstetric ultrasounds under the supervision of the 'father' of modern embryo-uterine medicine Professor Kyprous Nicolaidis at King's College Hospital in London and at the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF). After this specialization, he was certified by the FMF to perform obstetric ultrasounds. After specialist training at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, he was awarded the prestigious ATSM laparoscopy full training diploma by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. In the same hospital he completed his training in hysteroscopy. In 2012 she further specialized in gynecological ultrasound (and especially 3D ultrasound) under the supervision of one of the world's leading ultrasound experts, Davor Jurkovic, at University College London Hospital in London. He is also certified to perform colposcopy by the Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy after examinations. He opened his private practice in the city where he grew up, Kozani, in February 2013. It serves the area of Kozani and the surrounding cities: Ptolemaida, Kastoria, Grevena, Florina. Since 2020, he has been Scientific Manager at GO magazine and at the website www.gonimotita.gr, which deal with infertility issues. Gynecologist Kozani, Gynecologists Kozani, Obstetrician Kozani, Obstetrician Ptolemaida, Cervical Translucency Kozani, Salpingography Kozani, IVF Kozani, Exosomal Ptolemaida, Exosomal Grevena, Infertility Kozani, Ptolemaida , Colposcopy Kozani , Hysteroscopy Kozani , Gynecologist Ptolemaida, Gynecologists Ptolemaida


    9, Pagouni Str. - Kozani
  • Gynecologist Mytilene Lesvos - ZAPHIRIOU AFRODITI - Pap test Mytilene - Pregnancy Monitoring Mytilene, Gynecological Examination Mytilene, Colposcopy Mytilene, Ultrasound Mytilene

    The office of the gynecologist - obstetrician ZAFIRIOU N AFRODITIS, in Mytilene, is one of the most modern gynecological obstetric clinics. Our goal is to provide comprehensive services to the modern woman, in all phases of her life. We face the different problems of every age with responsibility, security, confidentiality and sensitivity, as for us every woman is special! Some of the services offered by our practice are: Gynecological ultrasound, gynecological examination - Pap test, breast examination, pregnancy monitoring, prenatal examination, assisted reproduction, 3D obstetric ultrasound, fetal cardiotocograph - N.S.T. We also treat childbirth, osteoporosis, menopause, colposcopy, cervical pathology, biopsy, adolescent gynecology, contraception, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery. The gynecologist Aphrodite Zafeiriou graduated in 1996 from the CLUJ NAPOCA University of Romania with a grade of "Very Good" (9.7). In 1996-1997 she worked at the First Surgery Clinic of the General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, within the framework of her specialization, under the direction of Dr. Kaisia. In 1997-1998 he recognized his medical degree at DIKATSA, with a grade of "Very Good". This was followed, the following year, by her pre-registration in Cyprus, where she attended the Pathology and Surgery Clinic of the General Hospital of Larnaca and Nicosia, with full involvement and covering the needs of the departments at all levels. From 1999 to 2002, he fulfilled the compulsory field service in Antissa, Lesvos, covering the needs of the northern part of Lesvos. Then, he started the specialty of obstetrics - gynecology in the clinic of the General Hospital of Mytilene "Vostaneio". From 2004 to 2007, she worked in her private practice, monitoring gynecological and obstetric cases, with simultaneous ultrasound evaluation. In 2009, she completed the specialty of Obstetrics - Gynecology at the 6th University Clinic of the "Elena Venizelou" Hospital. In parallel with her specialization, she attended the Department of Fetal Medicine, IVF. At the same time, he was trained in ultrasound and, in particular, in embryo and Prenatal Control (amniocentesis - umbilical cord puncture). Ms. Zafiriou has been a member of the World Organization for the Study and Protection of Breast Cancer, since 2001, and, until today, she has attended numerous training seminars - conferences, as part of her continuing education. Collaborates with: REA, GAIA, General Clinic of Thessaloniki. Maintains a modern gynecological - obstetric clinic, always next to the woman. In an emergency, you can call her on her cell phone.


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    Constantine 44 - Mytilene
  • Gynecologist Xanthi - KARATZOGLIDIS ILIAS - Oncologist Xanthi - Mammologist Xanthi - High Risk Pregnancy Specialist Xanthi

    HE IS AN ONCOLOGIST GYNECOLOGIST -  MAMMOLOGIST HIGH RISK PREGNANCY SPECIALIST   COLLABORATE WITH THE CLINICS: AGIOS LUKAS PANORAMA THESSALONIKI AND THE GENESIS CLINIC AT THE GATE OF THESSALONIKI     In the gynecologist's offices, a full gynecological examination and comprehensive pregnancy monitoring are provided. In order to offer integrated services of high standards, the doctor applies modern therapeutic solutions, with a sense of responsibility and professionalism, while his priority is to provide detailed information to the patient about every gynecological problem she faces. The practice of Mr. Karatzoglidis Ilias operates with modern medical technology and applies medical protocols, in accordance with current international guidelines. The goal of the doctor, who has a high level of knowledge and extensive clinical experience in high-risk oncology gynecology obstetrics, is the continuous improvement of the medical services provided, always based on the needs of the woman and with the most modern means of diagnosis and treatment. Thanks to his many years of training in Germany, he is methodical in his work and pays great attention to detail (both the patient's personal and hereditary/family history is taken in great detail). At the same time, he develops perfect communication with each patient, to whom he provides full information and scientifically documented medical care, with honesty, respect and love. The gynecological obstetrician surgeon Ilias Karatzoglidis provides advisory, preventive and therapeutic guidance and support throughout a woman's life, starting from her adolescence, with the onset of menstruation, and continuing until menopause. After all, it is known that 'prevention is better than cure', meaning that prevention is better than cure!   The doctor maintains a personal practice in KAVALA:   2 AVEROF STREET - KAVALA TEL. 2516007365 Postal code 65403   AND IN THE GOLDEN CITY OF KAVALAS:   HYDRA STREET 5 TEL. 2591025151 Postal code 64200   THE DOCTOR ACCEPTS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.


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    Thermopylae 1 - Ksanthi
  • Gynecologists - Obstetricians, Giannidou Th. Aikaterini | Aharnes

    The obstetrician-gynecologist Giannidou Aikaterini maintains her office in Acharnes, Attica. Her years of experience in gynecological issues make her reliable. In an environment, in our office which is located at Salaminos 15 [ANCIENT THEATER], Acharnai - Athens, our mission is to offer a comprehensive care to women of all ages and to provide solutions to their problems and questions. We are by the side of the woman throughout her life and in all the changes that her body will experience. From adolescence and adulthood to pregnancy and menopause. Our standard obstetric - gynecological clinic is equipped with the latest technological means and provides you with a complete gynecological examination, Pap test (Pap), breast examination and pregnancy monitoring. Ms. Giannidou collaborates with the following Maternity Homes: MITERA - REA - GAIA - IASO - LETO We receive daily at our office by appointment.


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    Ancient Theater 15 (formerly Salaminos 15) - Axarne
  • Hiumeira Amet Oglou - Specialist Obstetrician Gynecological Surgeon - Gynecological Examination - Pregnancy Monitoring - Childbirth - Assisted Reproduction - Gynecological Operations - Adolescence - Menopause - Xanthi

            Hyumeira Amet Oglu Specialist Obstetrician Gynecologist Surgeon Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu, born and raised in Xanthi, represents the continuation of the medical tradition in the region. After completing her studies at the Medical School of the University of Thessaly in Larissa and her specialization in the field of obstetrics-gynecology, she returned to her homeland to offer her services to the women of the region. With experience in the hospitals of Xanthi and Kavala, Dr. Hyumeira Amet Oglu is dedicated to promoting women's health and providing comprehensive care to every woman who trusts her practice. At the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of dr. Hyumeiras Amet Oglou offers a wide range of services that cover every need of women's health. At our Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, the safety, comfort and trust of our patients are our top priorities.                                                   Resume EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Medical Degree: University of Thessaly - School of Health Sciences, Larissa Sep 1999 - May 2006 Work experience 2007: License to Practice Medical Profession, Xanthi 2007: Doctor, General Insurance Company "intersalonika" AEGA 2007: Physician of the Municipality of Abdira 2007 - 2008: General Surgery Specialist, G.N. XANTHI HOSPITAL 2009 - 2012: Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, G.N. XANTHI HOSPITAL 2012 - 2014: Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, KAVALAS GENERAL HOSPITAL 2014: Two-month training in reproductive endocrinology, A Obstetrics - Gynecology clinic of the University of Athens. 2014: Monitoring cytology laboratory technique, cytology department, KAVALAS GENERAL HOSPITAL 2015: Medical Specialty Title of Obstetrics Gynecology Surgery, DEMOKRITEO UNIVERSITY OF THRACE 2015 - 2023: Private Obstetrician - Gynecologist - Surgeon, Xanthi Partner of Clinic ELEFTHO, KAVALAS and AGIOS DIMITRIOS, XANTHIS SKILLS Excellent knowledge of Computers ACCOMPLISHMENTS Married, mother of 3 children (8,11,13 years old) ND MEP candidate (2019) Candidate for Member of Parliament N. Xanthi ND (2023) Participation in Scientific Conferences                               Contact us today to book your appointment and leave your health care in our good hands.                   2541066091                     


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    Thermopylae 10-12 - Ksanthi

    - Surgeon Gynecologist - Prenatal testing - Ultrasound - Pap Test


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    39, FILIPPOU B, STR - Kozani

    Dr. Konstantinos Argyrakis is a regular member of the companies: Greek company of Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Perinatal medicine of Gynecological Oncology Colposcopy and Cervical pathology of Gynecological Endocrinology OBSTETRICS Pregnancy Birth Ultrasound examination Diet Stem cells Prematurity GYNECOLOGY Infertility In vitro fertilization ( IVF ) Breast H.P.V P.C.O. ( Polycystic ovaries ) Gynecological cancer Vaccinations Endometriosis Fibroids – polyps Laparoscopic Surgery Hysteroscopic Surgery MENOPAUSE Treatment Symptoms CONTRACEPTION For more information and informative material visit our website kostadinosargirakis.eu


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    P. TSALDARI 10-12 - Marousi
    6974441887, 6944645100

    NIKOLAOS KOTSALIS Surgeon Obstetrician - Gynecologist | Thassos   STABLE POSITION From 1998 until now I work in my private Obstetrics Gynecology Clinic, covering the needs of residents and tourists, constantly, regardless of day and time. The subjects of the practice include all physiology and pathology of Gynecology and Obstetrics as well as modern methods of diagnosis and treatment.    UNIVERSITY STUDIES 1997 to 1985 Faculty of Medicine, University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania  SPECIALIZATION AND WORKING POSITIONS 1/1998 to date private practice in Limenas Thassos 1998-1996 private practice in Athens 1/1994 to 1/1996 qualified at the General Hospital of Nikaia, Piraeus 1/1993 to 1/1994 qualified at the University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany Department of In Vitro Fertilization 1/1991 to 1/1993 qualified at the General Prefectural Hospital "AG. OLGA "of N. Ionia 1/1989 to 1/1990 qualified at the "GENIKO KRATIKO" Hospital of Athens 3/1986 to 10/1986, specializing in the 401 Military Hospital of Athens    MEMBER OF MEDICAL COMPANIES Association of Obstetricians Gynecologists of Greece, Greek Obstetrics and Gynecology Society Hellenic Society of Colposcopy and Pathology Hellenic Society of Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics Hellenic Mastological Society Hellenic Assisted Reproduction Company


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    6, PAVLOU MELA STR - Thasos

    Pregnancy monitoring: obstetric ultrasound, cardiotocogram Infertility control, assisted reproduction Pregnancy pathology Annual gynecological examination: internal genital ultrasound, Pap test, investigation of cervical pathology, treatment and monitoring of HPV infection Polycystic ovaries Menopause, organological control Minor operations: IUD placement, warts (surgical and drug therapy) Surgical procedures Laparoscopic surgery


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    - Agrinio
  • Melistas Vassilios - Gynecologist - Obstetrician - Nafpaktos - Itea - Pregnancy Monitoring - Gynecological Endocrinology - Breast Examination

    The doctor is a graduate of the University of Patras, where he was admitted after nationwide examinations. He was trained in obstetrics and gynecology at the General Hospital of Patras and completed and completed his education after a scholarship at the Universitatsklinikum Essen in Germany where he deepened his knowledge in the new developments of science. He has in depth all the usual obstetric and gynecological surgeries and his theoretical knowledge and practical experience are at a high level. He is a member of many companies such as: Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology / Hellenic Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy / Hellenic-German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology [Deutsch-Griechische Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe] / Hellenic Society of Breast The doctor has certifications for many medical procedures such as certification for colposcopy and ultrasound. His special concern for the breast pushed him to attend the courses of the Hellenic Mastology Society and to successfully pass the proficiency exams of the Hellenic Mastology Society. Foreign languages: English, French, German. The doctor's office is fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for the prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases as well as for the monitoring of pregnancy. Always with respect to the personality of each patient. Specialist experience of the doctor in the treatment of mammological diseases (breast examination, breast ultrasound, core-biopsies, puncture of breast cysts, fibroadenomas). Numerous cosmetic surgeries that can significantly improve the quality of life and self-confidence of many women. He maintains a gynecological clinic in Nafpaktos and a second [part time] clinic in Itea.


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    Tzavella Avenue 61 - Naupaktos
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