Παρασκευή 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024 | 10:54 μμ

Greek Business Directory

Companies Catalog

in: Kavala





    Mr. Gaitatzis Konstantinos has been in the field of plumbing since 1997. With great experience and know-how he undertakes any work and at the same time proposes ideas and solutions that will satisfy even the most demanding customer. He has worked on hundreds of private projects gaining valuable experience and knowledge that he exploits in an appropriate way, offering solutions. With plumbing installations in houses, apartment buildings, shops, offices, industrial spaces and public works they have a complete picture of most plumbing work at the best prices ever. For more information, contact our phones.


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    4, Xalepa Str. - Kavala
  • Plumbers Kavala - Kavala plumbing - John Faragonidis - Plumbing Kavala - thermohydraulic Chrysoupoli Kavala Thassos - Hydraulic Faults Kavala - plumbing works Kavala Thassos - Placements Heater - Maintenance Central Heating Kavala Thassos - Kavala Drainage - Solar Systems - water heaters Kavala Thassos - Kavala plumbing systems

    FARAGONITIS IOANNIS WATER AND COMBUSTION KAVALA HYDRAULIC KAVALA-HYDRAULIC KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS THERMOUDRAVILIKOS KAVALA - THERMOUDRAVILIKOS KAVALAS CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS THERMOUDRAVILIKA KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS HYDRAULIC INSTALLATIONS IN KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS KAVALA THERMOUDRAULIC INSTALLATIONS IN KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS HYDRAULIC WORKS - HYDRAULIC Damages Kavala Chrysoupoli HYDRAULIC DAMAGES KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS SOLAR THERMOSYPHONES KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS LOCATORS KAVALA KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS REPAIR HEATING MAINTENANCE KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS HYDRAULIC RENOVATIONS CONTRACTORS KAVALA CHRYSOUPOLI THASSOS WATER - SEWERAGE - SOLAR - HEATING - BOILER CLEANING 24 hour service and emergency damages in Kavala !!!!!!!   HYDRAUL AND COMBUSTION FARMONITI IOANNI Thermal Hydraulics, based in Kavala, has been active for many years in the field of hydraulic and thermal hydraulic installations and undertakes everything related to the thermal and hydraulic work of your area. We are certified licensed hydraulic installers, with license number K / 116. Our specialized staff consisting of experienced Hydraulic Engineers comes to your place and recommends the best solutions according to the needs of our clients. We serve individuals and professionals (houses, flats, shops, hotels) directly, at the most favorable prices in the market, from where we are asked to Kavala, Chrysoupoli Eleftheroupoli, Keramoti, Philippos all over Kavala and Thassos. We are distinguished for the reliability we provide to each of our customers as well as for the prompt service. hydraulics - solar systems - water heaters - radiators - drains, We undertake the repair of any damage or problem to your hydraulic installation, from a rubber hose to the complete rebuilding of the entire installation. We identify and repair responsibly, guaranteed and financially any damage that may occur to the plumbing. If you are looking for Thermohydraulic in Kavala, or Plumbing Contact us immediately! We aim to provide you with the best possible service and we place special emphasis on the cleanliness, quality and reliability of our products as well as the high quality of service, ensuring both the proper design and design of our thermal hydraulic installations as well as the subsequent maintenance and technical support. Contact us 24 hours a day, daily, for your immediate service. We provide: all types of thermo-hydraulic work Hydraulic hydraulic and thermal hydraulic installations in Kavala, Chrysoupoli Eleftheroupoli, Keramoti, Philip and Thassos. Heating Heat pumps Boiler installation and oil boiler cleaning Solar Water Heater Service Systems, Liquid Replacement and resistance Thermal Hydraulics, Central Heating Hydraulics Plumbing services Repairs and maintenance Installation of hydraulic systems Heating systems radiator installations radiator maintenance, damage repairs Replacing old bodies with new ones Autonomous and Central Heating Installation Hydraulic bathroom renovations Hydraulic kitchen renovations Firefighting Services Fire Safety We undertake the design and construction water and air extinguishing networks to all private and business premises Construction of Sewer and sewer networks Water Utility - Gut Diagnosis Placing sanitary ware Replacement of drainage pipes Excellent service to any kind of damage All these years we have been in the field of hydraulic renovations and the contracts we have completed are a guarantee of its quality of our work that we provide Call us and ask for our offer and believe us you will be the most market advantage. Yours sincerely FARAGONITIS IOANNIS - PATSIAS TELIS The thermal power contractors in Kavala


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    Komninon 6 - Kavala