Companies Catalog

in: Thessaloniki, Touba
Plumber Toumpa Thessaloniki Deligiorgis Kyriakos - Plumbing Installations - Drainage - Plumbing Supplies - Radiators - Faucets - Natural Gas
Plumber Kyriakos Deligiorgis is based in Touma Thessaloniki offering comprehensive services and solutions for home and business. With years of experience in the field and serving all of Thessaloniki, she undertakes the design and construction of hydraulic nets, bathroom renovations and any kind of hydraulic damage repair. At the same time it deals with natural gas installations and the installation of plumbing fixtures such as radiators, taps, water heaters, sanitary ware etc. Immediate response to your every call, good value for money and consistency are the characteristics that make us stand out and our customers prefer us.Category: HYDRAULIC
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