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in: All Greece
Elpida - Rehab & Detoxification Center Artemida Attica
ANODOS STI ZOI - Detoxification and Detoxification Center The Only Center In Greece With 98% Success In Addiction - For A Life Free Without Drugs - Alcohol - Gambling - Internet The "ANODOS STI ZOI" Addiction Center is a counseling support and guidance center for individuals and families with addiction problems. The staff consists of mental health graduates and counselors specialized in addictions, with long experience in Greece and abroad. At the same time, a large part of our staff is made up of people who have experiential experience, who have "gone through and overcome" the problem of addiction and who can truly understand and actually help other people who are suffering from the "disease" of addiction. . We believe that there is a solution to the problem of addiction and it is possible to move to a new way of life free and without addictions. Possibility of hosting in a beautiful and safe environment Free information on addiction problems (drugs, alcohol, gambling) Individual evaluation and individualized counseling for each patient Seminars and experiential workshops, by experienced professionals in the field of mental health, in order to improve and develop the personality Legal and accounting advice and support from professional associates (lawyer, accountant) Providing medical care and cooperation with a physician and dentist Collaboration with addiction specialists (psychiatrists, psychologists) Quickly closed and open relapse prevention and treatment programs Specialized bibliography and related works Parental counseling Family support and guidance program Participation in external self-help groups Outdoor activities and organized excursions Guidance from addiction counselors Group therapy Rehabilitation services and free after care teams for as long as neededCategory: PERSONAL CARE CENTRES
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