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in: Imathia, Naousa
WELCOME! My name is Athanasiadis Savvas I was born in Naoussa where I have been living since 2000. I studied Physiotherapy in Freiburg, Germany and worked from 1984 to 2000. I have specialized in • Physiotherapy • Sports Physiotherapy • Medical Coaching • Chinese Medicine • Neurophysiologic Neutralizing • Lymphatic Therapy (MLD) • Foot Reflexology • Manuelle therapie • Laser Therapie • Laser Therapie (Irrdia se) • Laser Needle Therapy • Schokwave Therapie (ESWT ) • PNF therapy • Cyriax. I have long-term experience in major German clinics. In particular, I have practiced and worked at Kur Zentrum Bad Saeckingen, Sankt Marien Haus Bad Bellingen, Park Klinik Bad Saeckingen (where I delivered theoretical and practical lessons to the physiotherapists of seven clinics), Foeldi Klinik Freiburg, Universités Klinik Golden Buehl VS Villingen, Universitaets Klinik VS Schwenningen, gathering experiences from all areas of physiotherapy and gaining valuable experience in a wide range of diseases. Seminars • 1st Workshop on Laser Therapy • Laser Therapy in Musculoskeletal System and Sickness Ulcers (PANEPETHE.L) • 1st Dental Conference of the University Hospital of Thessaloniki • 1st Oral Therapy Conference with Laser, a Contemporary Medical Care (PANEPETHE.L) • Seminar on Lumbar Disease • Certification of a Member from the Panhellenic Scientific Association of Laser Therapy • The Application of Laser and Electrotherapy in Acupuncture • Seminar on Cervical Cases . • 1st E.C.O.S.E.P. Congress, Guidelines When to Return to Play • 1st E.C.O.S.E.P. Congress, Laser Guidelines for Sports Physicians • Orthopedic and Traumatology Seminar • Knee Joint Seminar • BIOMECHANIK Seminar • Hydrotherapy Seminar • R Wolf Seminar • High Power Laser Seminar • Multiple Laser Seminars by Irradia se • Seminar Measurement - Spinal Assessment • 2nd Panhellenic Sports Medicine Congress • 3rd Sports Medicine Seminar of ΣΕΓΑΑ Thessaloniki. The Physiotherapy Physiotherapy is a state-of-the-art and integrated unit for treating and repairing diseases of the musculoskeletal, lymphatic and nervous system. Also, my continuous training and the follow-up of all new developments in physiotherapy aims to address the diseases in the most appropriate and effective way. Finally, besides dealing with each problem, we pay special attention to the training, ergonomics training and the correct information of the patient in order to understand the problem, as well as to prevent and prevent the recurrence or relapse of his illness. The equipment The Medical and Physiological Equipment of Physiotherapy reflects the latest developments in the field of health technology and certainly guarantees safe therapeutic results. It is a totally modern, innovative and innovative physiotherapist, which is a leader in the field of health services, both in scientific training, know-how and experience, but also in its unique equipment, certifying the latest technological and scientific developments in the field of Physiotherapy, with internationally recognized results of action. Therapy cabins are independent rooms that provide peace of mind. and relaxation during treatment. The Physiotherapy Center has been certified as a specialized LASER Treatment Center (PANEPETHEL). Physiotherapy equipment can be divided into two categories: Classic Therapies • Diathermy • Ultrasound • Electrotherapy • Biofeedback • TNS • Electrolysis • Ultraviolet - Infrared Radiation • Laser (scanner) • Organized kinesitherapy area. Specialized Treatments • Irradia Laser Therapie System • Schockwave Therapie System • Laser Needle Therapie System • Electro Akkupunktur • Intermittent Pressure Therapy • Foot Reflex • Manuelle Lymph Drainage • Manuelle Therapie In Our physiotherapy center operates a fully equipped gym with isotonic resistance machines. Depending on the case, individualized treatment programs are implemented with the goal of full functional rehabilitation and reintegration into daily activities. The fitness center of the Physiotherapist is equipped with: • Static Ergonomic Bicycle • Equatorial Leg extension • Isotonic Abdominal Crunch • Isotonic Low Back Extension • Isotonic Leg Press • Isonal Pull down • Isotonic Pulley • Proprietary and Balance Recovery Systems. HELPFUL TIPS The patient does not have to come up with some special clothing. It serves if the clothing is comfortable and can be removed and also worn easily. • If the patient presents one that is independent of the treatment, a health problem, such as some illness or high blood pressure, he should inform us to consider stopping the treatment until he / she has fully recovered. Note: At the first appointment, it is necessary for the patient to have with him the complete history of the problem he is facing, such as X-rays, magnetic-axial tomography, LASER THERAPY LASER SYSTEM IRRADIA The laser beams in physiotherapy Safe laser treatment to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Laser Therapy System with exceptionally high performance. This system has the advantage over others being a central unit that can be connected to many different probes. So, with a central unit we have the ability to use different types of laser, such as: GaAllnP, GaAlAs, GaAs, CO2, HeNe. The customization feature in the multi-probe system allows us to select the depth of penetration, which means that we can fully customize our device in order to be able to deal with our patient's problem. Having a unit with many elements at our disposal, we can fully adapt to what we want and to the needs of our patient, as well as ours. The most important advantage, however, is as follows: Most Lasers currently on the market are lagging behind that the average output intensity varies or is unstable in relation to frequency and repetitive pulses, which makes it difficult to determine precisely the therapeutic dose which we must give our patient. In our case, however, the Irradia Laser Device we use - through a patent that is unique - yields a constant average output voltage regardless of the pulse frequency. This in practice means for the user that: 1. can easily determine the therapeutic dose of energy in a treatment, and 2. Even if we increase the frequency (which is desirable because at some specific frequencies we have a better therapeutic effect as opposed to continuous emission) the power of Laser does not decrease, unlike the common Laser, where the following occurs : Increasing the frequency reduces the power, so we treat, we tire and tire our patient by giving him the least - or no - dose of laser radiation. Laser therapy is based on photobiological effects or otherwise biological stimulation. Biological stimulation occurs when a dose is given in a tissue between 0.005-5J / Cm2 (joule) = Ws implies Watt-Sec. A low dose gives inadequate results, while a high dose produces saturation in the cell membranes resulting not in the deterioration but not the desired improvement. LASER NEEDLE Designed by Dr.Detlef Schikora and awarded the 1st INTERNATIONAL AWARD by AMERICAN ACADEMY of MEDICAL ACUPUNTURE AAMA) and the MEDICAL ACUPUNTURE RESEARCH FOUNDATION (MARF). It is applied in many branches of medicine: VELONISM, ORTHOPEDIC, DERMATOLOGY, DENTAL, PEDIATRIC Schockwave Therapy (ESWT) Richard Wolf System Wave Waves (ESWT) R. Wolf This is the application of the long-tested method of extracorporeal lithotripsy in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. The statistical meta-analysis of the results of this method shows that shock wound treatment provides improved blood supply in the pain region and is perhaps the only method that, by applying it as a single agent (ESWT only) , gives excellent results in musculoskeletal disorders. The use of Shockwave is suitable for the following treatments: • Shoulder pain (calcified tendonitis) • Achilles tendon tendonitis • Tibia end syndrome • Patella Top Syndrome • Lung-Tape Syndrome Syndrome • Beat the heel • Plantar fasciitis • Shoulder periarthritis Diseases At Athanasiadis Physiotherapy, individual treatment protocols are used to treat a variety of conditions such as: Arthritis, cervical syndrome, headache, migraine, migraine, degenerative bone lesions, osteoporosis, epicondylitis, tendonitis, muscle fractures, back pain, sciatica, lumbago, scoliosis, muscular atrophy - weakness, lesion injuries: - Knee ligament injury, Knee joint damage, Knee joint injury, Tingling - Meningitis, Tingling - Shoulder ligament injury, Stiffness - Ankle injuryCategory: PHYSIOTHERAPISTS – PHYSIOTHERAPY CENTRES
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