Δευτέρα 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 | 01:33 πμ

Greek Business Directory

Companies Catalog

in: All Greece




  • - Lasithi
    28410 22312
  • - Evia
    22260 23317
  • - Attica
    22970 25734 , 22970 22328
  • - Magnesia
    24240 65595
  • - Aitoloakarnania
    26420 22340
  • - Cyclades
    22850 71259
  • - Cyclades
    22820 22250
  • - Achaia
    26340 31296

      The Coast Guard was founded in 1919. The founding law is the n. 1753, 1919 "On amending the Law 816 and adding the relevant provisions." The most important innovation of this law is Article 3, which sets up the same Corps, Coast, consisting of staff of the Directorate of Merchant Marine, the inspection of this service, the Navy Retirement Fund and the Port Authorities. Article 3 of the Law is the official birth certificate of the Coast Guard. She was inspired by the late George and Constantine Sakalis Boukas.   The law provided and how to set up the newly established body. For this purpose, a decree authorized the transfer from the Navy to the Coast Guard sixty-six (66) Officers. Thus, the Coast Guard, five (05) months or so after its foundation, was already in place and organized, covering almost all of the posts foreseen by n. 1753. The transductants executives had sufficient education and knowledge of languages and was specialized in issues merchant shipping from their service in Section Merchant Marine and Port Authorities and had their own take on the adventure of a transfer to a new house with new zeal, enthusiasm mover and condition of affection for the Greek Merchant Marine, management which would constitute 'the sole work of their careers. Most of them, as recorded history, careers good pleasure, stood in the hierarchy and offered until the end of their business life important work in the great cause of our shipping.   Source: History of the Coast Guard (1999) Association of Retired Officers of Coast Guard  

    Category: PORT POLICE

    Images [4]
  • - Chanion
  • - Evia
    22290 62201
  • - - Evia
    22240 41266
  • - Fokida
    22650 41390 , 22650 41747
  • - Glifada
    210 8946327 , 210 8945258
  • - Lasithi
    28420 22294
  • - Chalkidiki
    23770 22576 , 23770 22666
  • - Corinthia
    27410 37777 , 27410 37555
  • - Kalamata
    27210 22218
  • - Dodekanisa
    22430 29304 , 22430 24444
  • - Evia
    27360 31222
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