Companies Catalog

in: All Greece
Boat Repairs Koropi Mesogeia - Delatolas Kosmas - Parking Koropi Vari Boat Rentals - Boat Rentals Koropi Vari Pallini Paiania Mediterranean Athens Piraeus - Boat Service Koropi Vari Pallini Paiania Fresh Water Alimos Saronida Spata
DELATOLAS COSMAS VESSEL REPAIRS KOROPI HEAVY PALLINI PALIANIA SWEET WATER KARVIA SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS SPAT SALIMOS PIRAEUS ATHENS ATTICA PANELEL BOAT RENTALS KOROPI VARI PALLINI PAINIA GLASS WATER NETWORK SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS SPATA SALIMOS PIRAEUS ATHENS ATTICA PANIKA SERVICE VESSELS KOROPI HEAVY PALLENIUM PALEINA WATER WATER KALVIA SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS ALIMOS SPAT MEDIA PIRAEUS ATHENS ATTICA PANELELLIKA SHIP NAVIGATION - YOT KOROPI HEAVY PALLINI PAULIA WATER NETWORK KARVIA SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS ALIMOS SPATA MEDIA PIRAEUS ATHENS ATTICA PARKING VESSELS - PARKING VESSELS KOROPI HEAVY PALLINI PAULIA WATER NETWORKS SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS ALIMOS SPATA MEDITERRANEAN PIRAEUS ATHENS KOROPI VESSEL REPAIRS HEAVY HEAVY PALLINI GREEK SWIMMING WATER KARVIA SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS ALIMOS MEDIA SPATA PEIRAUS ATHENS ATTICA YACHT PAINTS - BASED BOATS KOROPI HEAVY PALLINI PAULIA WATER NETWORK SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS ALIMOS MEDIA SPATA PEIRAAT ATHENS GENERAL REPAIRS OF SHIP LIGHTS KOROPI HEAVY PALLENIUM SWEET WATER KALVIA SARONIDA ASPROPYRGOS ALIMOS PIRAEUS ATHENS MEDITERRANEAN SHIPBUILDING RESEARCH WORKS ALL OVER GREECE Everything about boat repairs in the Mediterranean !!!! in Athens and Attica !!!!!! DELLATOLAS KOSMAS, based in Koropi-Vari since 1992, has been active in yacht repairs, maintenance, boat rentals and in the trade of boats and nautical goods with an upward and successful course to date. With many years of experience in shipbuilding and our know-how we are able to undertake general repairs and guarantee the best result. Keeping up with the technological developments in the field of repairs as I participate in many pan-European seminars our quality of work is of a high standard and is a guarantee of our name. At our workshop we have the latest equipment and specialized technicians who can complete any repair and refurbishment or maintenance, whether short or long, with a consistent delivery time. We are an authorized Mercruiser workshop, and there is a parking lot for our boats. We serve the Mediterranean, Athens, Piraeus, Aspropyrgos, Alimos, Eleusis, but also all over Greece. Our services: Ship repair and maintenance Plasticization Polyester structures Painting, paint boats of all types, cleaning Antifouling colors Electrical installations Electrical works Renovations Mechanical engineering services of all types. Boat hire Vessel parking When boarding vessels, all boat safety and protection rules are respected. The lifting and hauling of vessels is carried out by us in your own area If you want to enjoy your sea voyages then you don't have to trust us for your safe cruise. All this at the most competitive market prices. Yours sincerely DELATOLAS COSMAS WORKING HOURS DAILY ALL YEARCategory: SHIPPING SUPPLIES
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Fishing and sea, marine species, wetsuits, baits, diving suits, fishing gear, fishing rods, technical baits, hooks, lines, nets, you need to species fishermen at incomparably low prices.Category: SHIPPING SUPPLIES
4817244, LIKOURGOU LOGOTHETI STR - Samos2273061480 -
Shipping Items Volos - Wired - A. KAGIANNIS & CO OE - Volos Cables - Volos Lifting Belts - Volos Editors
Sirmatotexniki Shipping Volos - Volos Cables - Volos Lifting Belts The Kagiannis family comes from naval roots. Mr. Antonis Kagiannis, who is the founder of the company, was a sailor of the merchant (as a robber) and a naval (as a subcontractor) sailor. Later he specialized in the company LEVENTERIS SA as a foreman in the construction of cable cars. After his departure in 1979 from the above company and with the experience of maritime art, he caught handmade gauze (knitted) and pressers. So he started his own business in the field of construction of cable cars (champagnes) and lifting belts as well as in shipping items, the latter as a trade. The company was upgraded in 1990 with the entry of his children into the operation, having already completed his military service. OBJECTIVES OF A. KAGIANNIS & CO OE 1) Stable quality of products and services it offers 2) Ensuring a successful course in the Greek market 3) Maintaining and increasing the market share it holds 4) Satisfaction of the relevant with the object of operation of the legislative provisions and social institutions (security, respect for the environment, saving energy and materials). Volos Cables, Volos Lifting Belts, Volos Load Attachments, Volos Suspension Chains, Volos Load Lock Chains, Volos Shipping, Volos Industrial ItemsCategory: SHIPPING SUPPLIES
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Professional fishing boat, FRP 18 meters, 50.9, machine caterpillar, 420 HP, full modern equipment, empty trawl, trawl and purse seine nets.Category: SHIPPING SUPPLIES
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Everything about boats! Parking area for the proper care and maintenance. Do you have a boat? In our store you will find marine products such as electronic equipment, maintenance, electrical equipment, anchoring, rescue, interior equipment and deck. Equipment & accessories outboard engines. Don't you have a boat? Boats, trailers and outboard engines of your preference, new or used. Fishing on a large variety of items for amateur and professional fishing. Live bait.Category: SHIPPING SUPPLIES
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